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Armor / Clothing no one's made


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So I've been digging around through about 5000 files now in the last couple weeks for something specific and noticed even with all the armor mods and mashups I'm fairly sure no one has made it yet but cant figure out why.
That said here's what I'm looking for, a simple g-string style panty that has a high sitting waistband like the image and a bra that both work with the cbbe body-slide.
It would be nice if they were craft able with linen wraps and leather / strips and use slots 46 for the bra 49 or 52 for the g-string since those are slots none of the other armors I have or have found use. If anyone is interested in making this mod for me I'd really appreciate it; you're welcome to reply here or send me a message if there are any other details you need about them. :smile:





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I dislike skimpy armor and the like, never understood what is the appeal in these kind of mods. You can either be naked or armored, right? Why this way in the middle... Yet everyone is allowed to make a request as long as it doesn't break the rules.

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" in the middle " is sexier than naked sometimes and it makes sense if you want sexy but not naked when you have other eyes around

Maybe I sounded rude in that post, sorry about that. But I don't agree, sexy for me doesn't just mean some naked skin to look at, and I have a personal preference for pratical armor.

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i agree with practical armor but that went out the window even with the vanilla armors in skyrim. a good armor is one that covers what you need it to without extra adornments like spikes or horns and doesn't slow you down or get in the way. in that many of the "skimpy" armors actually work better.

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I didn't say this item specifically did I ? no. I said some of the "skimpy" armors that have been made work better for practicality than the vanilla ones do because of the way they are designed. If you don't like those armors or the things i request fine that's your opinion and your entitled to it but keep it to yourself and off my post. I've got better things to do that read replies from some no name whelp that probably isn't even actually old enough to be playing skyrim or understand that one article of clothing or changing the appearance of other armors in the game to actually look and function better than the ridiculous vanilla armors is also a personal preference.

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