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Twohanded Animation Issues


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I have no idea what to do. My Twohanded Equip (Unsheath) animation won't stop looping.. I removed every Twohand .kf in my Data folder, yet I can't get rid of it. I replaced all the files with the default animations. Still, it's the weird modded animation. :dry:


My character keeps pulling the sword off her back. Over and over. I can run, but I can't attack or even put it back in the sheath while she does this. I also cannot switch weapons, as the game says "You can't switch weapons in the middle of an attack".


This there ANYTHING I can do to get rid of this?? How can the game read it if I got rid of all the animations related to it?? :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Uninstall ALL animation replacer or pose mods, and check your \Oblivion\Meshes\Characters\_male\ folder for any leftover animations -- remove them.
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