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I once had a dream that a troll wandered into my house. I resolved to pry the floorboards from the ground and hide under my floor, whilst the troll ransacked the fridge. I woke up sweating, and I'm not entirely sure why. I must love that fridge more than I'm letting on, or something. Edited by Duke Baronknight
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I once had a dream that a troll wandered into my house. I resolved to pry the floorboards from the ground and hide under my floor, whilst the troll ransacked the fridge. I woke up sweating, and I'm not entirely sure why. I must love that fridge more than I'm letting on, or something.


That just made my day. :)


Sadly I don't have fantastic dreams :(

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I hope the one dream of Skyrim I had is nothing like the real product. I got off work, picked up the game (which was on the 360 for some reason...), made small talk with the guys at Gamestop, went home, started playing, and.... it played like a very watered down version of Diablo (the original Diablo) and Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2). The textures and models were that of a PS1 game and the gameplay was subpar. I ended up setting it down to go out and eat with my brother and some friends.


Scary dream, huh?

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I had a dream about dreaming in a dream where I was dreaming in a dream about dreaming.



We need to go deeper.


Had a few myself long time ago, but most from morrowind. Wondering through ancient halls of dwemer ruins. I am glad they are going to be back :D

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I had this weird dream where I went into the Shivering Isles, and did everything, and then nearly got killed by Jygalagg (probably spelled it wrong, haven't played through SI in a while) because his claymore went into my ribs. Seemed to take more than 4 hours... (Power nap, you know...) It was awesome though :P
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I can't say I have ever had a Elder Scrolls dream but I did dream a golem from Dragon Age Origins was wrecking my dining room.
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