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PC gaming almost over?


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I am at my wits end. the months of internet surfing have taken a toll in my confidence and love of pc gaming. Everywhere i look xbox has taken something over. Before I weave my tale,I will elaborate on why i have such fear and concern. I DO NOT HATE CONSOLES. before I turned to pc gaming i played the playstation 1/2 and nitendo 64 and gamecube. I still have respect for the playstation and nitendo. These consoles and their players for the most part are peacefull and are not obssesed with comparing their consoles to others and destroying and ravaging other games gameplay for their own selfish sake. When these consoles existed, their was no damaging effects on, playstaion, nitendo, or pc gaming. The gaming world was at relative peace. While many may GREATLY disagree with me, I believe that the xbox 360 is a huge menace. Currently the xbox 360 community is doing its best to convert games to its sytems. While I have seen console companies try to buy out games, I have never seen until now whole websites of xbox 360 gamers signing petitions to game companies and microsoft to convert any game they see appealing to the xbox 360. Even worse, xbox 360 gamers constantly brag, compare, showoff, and even lie about their 360. One jerk named naso on xbox 360 forums which I came across said the tes construction set is on xbox live ready for download and that the tes construction has much more capability on the xbox 360 than on the pc. While i do not believe this lying dirtbag is correct, I am concerned about the ammo he is giving to xbox 360 fanatics. On many of the public forums, I constantly see that the most agrresive comments are remarked by xbox 360 gamers. The xbox 360 gamers repeatedly provoked other gamers who played on the playstation, nitendo, and PC. One even went far enough to say the pc will die out completely as a gaming platform by 2010 and playstation and nitendo will faid away from 2013-2015. Finally, my final evidence lies in the heart of game stores where pc games are almost all gone and even the playstation and nitendo racks are diminishing and creating more space for more xbox 360 games.

When I was at a gamestop buying a few games for my friends, i had a 10 minute talk of idiocy with the registrator at the counter who kept aggresively trying to convince me to buy an xbox 360 and how it is the wave the the future >:( . i politely said no after listening to him for what seemed like a day). The

xbox 360 is becoming too powerfull and have already stolen many game from the playstation, nitendo, and pc. While the xbox 360 communty achieves these victories through many ways, One method of theirs infuriated me to the core. I recently read this article a few weeks Ago (I cant seem to find it anymore) on xbox fanboy I believe. This article fondly spoke of a join the cause act where many xbox 360 gamers were boycotting games from atari for breaking a multi million dollar deal with microsoft for several games being placed on the 360. Instead, Atari broke the deal with microsoft and signed a new contract with sony for launch titles for the PS3. In retaliation. many 360 owners boycotted atari games but a few even took matters into their own hands and would try to remove atari games for the playstation off the shelves. last week on the radio (if any of you heard) the defamers of property were finally caught after half a week of defamation. Already has xbox 360 stolen many games such as devil may cry 4, oblivion, god of war, gothic 3, command and conquer, metal gear solid, operation flashpoint, dynasty warriors, samurai warriors, ect. If

left unchecked. Microsoft will consume more and more until there is nothing left. This fate I do not enjoy pondering upon but the way gaming is rolling i fear for the survival of the pc as well as the playstation and nitendo. PLEASE tell me their is good news because from what I see all is lost for pc gaming. To verify my sources I will give you as many url's as i can so you yourself may see wha I speak of.


Gothic 3 petiton for xbox 360

PC Vs. XBoX video7 things why the 360 is the best

death of pc gaming

Xbox 360 laptop

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For starters, JoWood could barely get Gothic 3 to function properly on the PC. No way in a bajillion years could they ever successfully port it to the Xbox 360. So I don't think you have to worry there. :P Even if anyone paid attention to that petition, Gothic 3 for the Xbox 360 would be a disaster, and I can't picture JoWood agreeing to it anyway.


Personally, I think PC gaming is safe... in certain areas. Like the RTS, for instance, will never be playable with a games controller, you need the accuracy of the keyboard and mouse to play those. As a result the RTS is enjoying a bit of a golden age on PC at the moment. FPSes, while okay on consoles, are never the same as on PC, and even if they are on Xbox 360 as well that won't do too much to suck away depth from them. One area that I do think is endangered by the 360 is RPGs. Oblivion is an example of this. Severely dumbed down so it would work well on a console, and would attract the large amount of 13 year old FPS players the Xbox 360 has who don't really want a deep roleplaying experience (not saying all Xbox 360 players are like that, but it's undeniable there are a lot of them). Hopefully not too many people will follow Oblivion's trend, but who knows.


Rather than the 360 being a serious threat to the PC though I'd be more worried about it being a threat to the Playstation. For "serious" gamers the PS is the only competition the Xbox has, and already Sony is stupidly selling off rights to Microsoft to certain game series so they can have them as well. I suppose this is because they've suffered losses with the PS3, but it's only going to hurt them in the long run. Once the Xbox starts having games like Final Fantasy and others, it makes the PS3 seem like a much less appealing choice, especially since it's so much more expensive. Last thing we need is Microsoft getting a good stranglehold on the console industry as well, which is what it's starting to do... however I don't think it's a threat to Nintendo, at least not right now.


All in all, I'm not super worried about PC gaming, but maybe a little worried by the diminishing quality of RPGs. The people who make those "omg xbox rox pc will die" rants are just those 13 year old FPS players I was talking about, whose opinions are rather unintelligent at best, and not really worth paying attention to. ;) They can "pretend" all they like but in the end, PC gaming still has modability and perks that the 360 can't offer... just because a bunch of immature teens go around ranting that PC gaming will die doesn't mean it will. ^^

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I have to agree with Switch here. The PC is pretty safe. Quite a few PC games need the keyboard in order to be playable. Consoles just don't have enough buttons. I also agree that Nintendo if safe, for now. They have all of their 'Nintendo Only' characters like Link, Mario, Samus, etc. While they can't depend on those games, they will keep them in the race. Also, Nintendo struck gold with the Wii. The Wii is very easy to play even for those inept at video games. Like my mom for example. The most intense game she'd ever played before Wii was Tetris...now, at least two or three times a week she and my dad are playing Wii. However, Sony is in trouble. They put too much in PS3 causing it to be too expensive, and now they are selling titles. I'm not sure they'll survive long.
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The real threat isn't gaming systems exactly, but the companies that release unfinished Betas, then release a patch a few months later to fix some stuff. As this usually means having to do a bit of research on the actual game after it's been released, or being stuck with something unplayavle, I've found myself buying fewer games. While in some cases, console games seem to have fewer bugs (do to most people not being able to simply apply a patch without paying out that extra money to have an internet service to their gaming system), some like Oblivion are just as bugged. This ultimately leads to declining profits, and poor customer loyalty, which only ends up hurting the companies that do is since once those initial sales are done and people are aware of the garbage that is being sold, they will hold off on, or just not buy it. However, for whatever reason it continues, and eventually it may cause some people to stop buying PC games entirely as they all feature this 3 month public beta period.


As far as FPS games go, Switch is right, currently you just can't get the percision you need by using a controller. Even the Wii controller would likely suffer the same problem. It won't be until they have well made, and available VR sets that anything will be better than PC in this regard. But as that business has either died, or just gone into hiding, I wouldn't expect it to happen any time soon. However as it ultimately becomes the decision of the companies releasing these games, how they're released, this may be a non-issue. They are there to earn money and people have managed to get by without absolute percision before... Or didn't you play doom*?


My position is that even owning a console isn't practical as I tend to do more work (often involving games) than gaming. As consoles are really just there for gaming, I wouldn't get much use out of it. More to the point, consoles tend to be too static, you can't change hardware, can't install more memory, can't adjust the system, and any sort of interface is just too simplistic... If I wanted that I'd be using a Mac.



*side rant on video game violence and how every time a news agency refers to it, they show the same 15 second clip from a game that's over 15 years old... As if kids are still playing this game (which is mild by today's standards for graphic violence, but worse in that everything that moves is a target). <continues with rant elsewhere>.

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PC gaming has been pretty bad for ages. I decided to delve back in because of Oblivion and also because Spore and Crysis are coming up. I'll have to play them on reduced settings but I really couldn't wait any longer to get a new computer, I needed one. I should be fine - graphics are important to me, I won't pretend they aren't just to make myself feel less shallow, games are very graphical and beautiful graphics are artistically pleasing, but it won't bother me that much.


I also want to get the PC version of Transformers as the game seems very PC-ish somehow, hard to describe. I hope it becomes uber-modded.

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If you ask me, the modding capabilities and community that PC's offer will ensure their longevity. And has anyone noticed that PCs are beginning to be able to use other controllers than a keyboard and mouse? Hell, on some stuff, you can use PEDALS. How awesome is that!?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Im not doubting the power of pc's at all. As a matter of fact I believe they are much better than consoles. Im just afraid through sheer compitition that the xbox 360 will widdle away pc games. Also the pedals and wheels I believe can also be used on the wei.
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Guest deleted235718
heh facts are allready there the PC went trough Xbox360 in power not to long ago 8800 and the soon to come 8 core cpu`s tell me any console that have the power of the 8800? What now in 3 or 4 years maybe the console will have the upper hand again for about 3-4 months then you will know what happens. People tend to buy consoles becuase they cant afford a "great" PC well thats not my problem is it people shouldent have to listen to whining Xobxers about PC is to expensive buy your 360 and shut up! What really pisses me off tough is Lucas arts who has allways made PC games and know only makes the "Force Unleashed" consoke exclusive "A PC cant handle the performance" what are you freakining kidding?
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What really pisses me off tough is Lucas arts who has allways made PC games and know only makes the "Force Unleashed" consoke exclusive "A PC cant handle the performance" what are you freakining kidding?

I didn't know that. That's really too bad, I was looking forward to that one. So far I've only read that a PC version hasn't been announced. Could you tell me where they said that a PC can't handle the performance?

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heh facts are allready there the PC went trough Xbox360 in power not to long ago 8800 and the soon to come 8 core cpu`s tell me any console that have the power of the 8800? What now in 3 or 4 years maybe the console will have the upper hand again for about 3-4 months then you will know what happens. People tend to buy consoles becuase they cant afford a "great" PC well thats not my problem is it people shouldent have to listen to whining Xobxers about PC is to expensive buy your 360 and shut up! What really pisses me off tough is Lucas arts who has allways made PC games and know only makes the "Force Unleashed" consoke exclusive "A PC cant handle the performance" what are you freakining kidding?

>:( This is exactlly what i mean. The PC is way better than the xbox360 but because the producers of this system are so unbelievalbly wealthy, they can convince any gaming company to do what they want. The xbox 360 has already bought out all of the playstations game launch titles such as final fantasy and devil may cry. I am very afraid for the survival of playstation. I also hate it how the xbox community is spreading all this noobish and idiotic propraganda that the playstation and pc's days are numbered and proclaim all the abilities of the xbox while disregarding all the major abilities of pc's. I hate xbox360! >:( >:( >:( >:(. I have a xps 780+ gaming computer which kick ass! I have so much memory that my computer never lags and can download all the games and mods I want. Yet the idiotic public still thinks the xbox is better. what idiots. And what the heck is up with the xbox 360 elite. I heard one cretin proclaim it will destroy the opc and be able to download user made mods. what a bunch of sticky melodrama. I am tired of everyone trying to put down the pc and the playstation by refusing to put games on them and giving them bad press. i dont know about you people but i think that microsoft controls a lot of the media and gaming companies and are making the 360 bigger than it really is. Im just concerned that the 360 wont starve the PC of games even though the pc can handle them. by the way Xbox suck arse, down with the 360!

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