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Different PA frame texture sets?


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I am half way through working on my own retexture for the PA fram, when quite by accident I noticed a change when I exited the frame.


The left screen (wearing the frame) is what it is meant to look like, and the right (exited the frame) is what it changes to. Its pulling some of the textures/specular changes I've made but not all, most notably the aluminium/chrome plates I've been working on...


(I've noticed when extracting the files there are 2 sets for the frame, I've yet to check but is that maybe why?)


Any clues?



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I think in this case the unworn version is using a different specular map, as it's that part that changes...it's still using the rest of the textures


at least that would be my first guess but then upon a 2nd thought not sure, because the unworn version is even using the same specular, at least for all parts except the ones that are meant to be a bright chrome effect...

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