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not enough RAM


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CPU isn't the issue with RAM support, it's the motherboard.


Yeah, I messed up my edit. It was suppose to be mobo/cpu > 1600mhz 8gb. Thanks for catching that.





Now skip the CPU Cooler? I think one day I would like to learn to mess with the "over clock" thing, so will add that on, and lastly, (at the resk of sounding real stupid)


Some of the new CPUs don't come with stock cooler anymore and not every model can be overclocked. It would help if you had posted specs.


So what I came up with is CPU $260, MB $162, Ram $165 (24GB) CPU cooler $35, Disk drive $21.= $643 plus what ever for shipping. Will dig in to this a bit more this evening.

Thanks (o:


You should cheap out a bit on the RAM amount, 16GB is perfect for gaming even with other applications running in the background. FO4 won't benefit from 24GB even if you run Enboost (Boris recommends to stick to 10GB max when tweaking .ini settings).

This game is more dependant on fast CPU, which will help with rendering shadows, LOD pop up time/stutter (due to how the engine works) and managing scripts. CPU is harder to upgrade than other components (since you have to invest in new motherboard each generation), so get a good one that will serve you well for the next few years. The i5 Skylake that jet5471 linked you, is a very good choice. From my past experience Bethesdas games favour Intel/Nvidia combo. Think about investing some money into gpu and ssd next year when you can afford it. Prices for old models should drop once the new HBM II GPUs and 3x faster intel SSDs will hit the market.

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Karstedt, would that be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout4\" ? So I can drop the whole file on an external hard drive, or just a part of it, like just Data and load it on my new drive (after setting up steam on new HD) and it will know not to re-download it! Not trying to sound like a dumb a.. or nothing, just want to make sure I do it right. Probably should do that anyhow even if I don't get a new one. Still not real sure if I am just going to replace the MB and CPU, run more RAM, but thats most likely the route I am going to take.

Thanks again

Yeah, take the whole ...steamapps\common\fallout4 directory. Install steam on the new system and put the files back into steamapps\common\fallout4 before installing FO4. I passed around a USB drive to my flatmates to dodge racking up 75gb on our internet quota.

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All Desktop CPU's can be overclocked actually, The one in the PC Gamer article was unlocked so you could change the multiplier and is more of an overclocker CPU for someone who might use liquid nitrogen to cool it and have a faster CPU than the top end I7. The degree of overclock ability is the limit but if anything overclocking is easier today than it ever was since you can just hit a button in the bios and it does it for you.


The setup I posted had a SSD drive so GPU would be what's needed next year for an upgrade.

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After a two day battle with my bank!!!!!! and having my order at Newegg declined, Twice. Then once at Amazon (I really need to give WFB the boot) Screwing me out of the "Cyber Monday" deals, I got my parts ordered. Kind of a mix and match of the advice I got from everyone. Here it is

1) ASUS Z170-a Mother board

2)Corsair Vengeance DDR4 16GB

3)Intel core i5-6500

4)Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO

5)EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB

Put me over the $600 mark, but still under the $1000 top end $821.31. A bit more then I was shooting for but droped a bit on the RAM I was going to get, and thought I might as well get a newer graphics card. I have a computer sitting on the floor so going to strip it down, keep the HD with XP on it use all my old stuff MB, RAM, GTX650 ect. from current setup build it back up and use it when I fell like firing up say.....Bioshock, Gta3 or somthing like that. That will also free up more space on my new build.

Thanks a bunch for all the help, Iv'e said it before and will say it again You guy's Fricken rock.

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Kinda the same book, different chapter. So I finally received all my parts. All excited like an 8 year old child on Christmas morning. So I start to pull my old computer apart and discovered that the Z170-A does not fit in my case. I am going to assume that at some time (without bothering to tell me)

(o; they changed the size and layout of the "Standardized" case. Again I will assume it was to accommodate a bigger board to meet the more demanding games, graphics, ram, ect. So now I guess the question is.....what kind of tower do I need. Not necessarily brand, style, color and all that, just the type. I read the "User guide" and it doesn't say any thing about what case/tower I need.

Out of frustation (and boredom) I started messing with my older puter, the one sitting on the floor, it has windows7 not XP as I thought. originally had a on board GPU and 2GB RAM, after a quick trip to my local Best Buy (and reading the paper work that came with it, discovering it can handle 8GB) more $$$, pulling a old 500W power supply out of my "man I got way tooo much stuff closet". put in the GTX650 from the other computer, droping FO4 in to my Steam file and POW!!! now playing FO4 (on medium) on a computer with a out of the box CPU and motherboard!

Not regretting doing this new build, been wanting to do it for awhile, this just gave me a reason. Thanks again for all the help. Can't wait to fire this mother up!!

You guy's rock

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You must had miniATX mobo/case. When browsing pc cases look for standard ATX model (mid or full tower). Here's a size chart for reference:





If you plan on getting fan on the side panel and don't want to worry about finding case that will fit it together with Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO, get full tower. Otherwise any case that supports 120mm cpu coolers and ATX mobo will do, when you are tight on cash.


PS: You've mentioned that your psu is quite old, so better check on the internet if it supports power saving modes (Haswell ready). Some of the confirmed models:


Otherwise you will have to make sure C6/C7 idle power states are disabled in bios.



Have fun with your new rig!

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Thanks for the reply. I ordered a case last night, should be here this week so hope to get it together this weekend. The MoBo I had was indeed a Micro-ATX, Didn't know (but do now) there was a difference. The case is a Thermaltake Veras H22 Window, figured I got all this cool stuff in side, might as well show it off (o;. The PSU I was talking about, getting from my "Too much stuff closet", is for the one I am putting together just for playing older games, I ended up getting a new one for the $$$$ build, figured I got this much money and effort in to the thing, what's another $70.00. And the one I was going to use was kinda making a noise anyhow.

I am hoping the Cooler Master will be more then enough to keep thing's cool, Will cross that bridge if I have to down the road.

Again, thanks to all for the help. You guy's rock will keep you posted

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