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Why won't the price mods work for me any more?


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The first I used worked fine. But, for various reasons, like a house mod affecting textures even after it was removed, I've had to uninstall/reinstall a few times. Now only Ingredient Value works. Today, with a freshly installed game, no other mods whatsoever in the game, not one of the eight other pricing mods I tried functions. So, is there some kind of residue hidden away on my computer that uninstalling doesn't touch, and if so, how do I get rid of it? I manually remove what's left in the programs folder, so it can't be there. Can the problem be in the save folder? Does anyone know if this is something that can be corrected, or do I just learn to live with it? Any help is appreciated.
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I checked the patches; that's not the trouble. Too bad.


I set up a new character. No problem with the price mods. Evidently something in the saved games is interfering with them for the current character.

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