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Question about bounties


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Hello, I am doing the Next of Kin quest and in this quest I have to kill a guard woman. I tried to kill her inside the inn, I was sneaking and I killed her with one arrow. Yet, I got a 1000 bounty. So I reloaded and killed her at night when we were in an isolated area, once again, only one arrow and while sneaking yet 1000 bounty again. Why is that? I have the No Psychic Guard by the way so it should be even easier....
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The fact that you're attacking a guard is the key issue. A murder bounty is recorded when a guard is made aware of the killing. Killing an actual guard is a sure-fire way to bring this to their attention. ;)


Honestly, the easiest way to kill the target (and take note of just how many loops you have to jump through for the 'easy' way) can only be tackled early in the game. And I mean early.


I had a Level 1 character warp to Leyawiin, incited a Mythic Dawn agent to attack me, and dragged the fellow over towards the intended victim.


At Level 1, this MD agent easily outmatched the guard and slew her.

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So when you do this quest you automaticly get a 1000 bounty?

Yes, unless you feel like doing some changes to the settings to get around it, or going to great lengths to try and have her killed by someone/thing else (Think summon spell and frenzy on summon while hidden/invisible might work). It is however easier to just use console to remove the bounty if you're going to cheat.

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I invariably run-and-gun my way to the Imperial City Waterfront and have the Thieves' Guild handle the legal wranglings (the gold or the fine itself isn't a problem— it's the principle of being caught and dragged before the bench that irks me).


I've heard tell that a slow poison will do the job while avoiding the murder bounty. All you'd have to face is the 40-gold bounty for simple assault (caused by the attack that delivered the poison). On that cheesy grace, any guard with a high enough Disposition towards you will likely forgive the crime— if you can talk to him before the rest of the guards accost you.

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I'd go with the console option. Since no body has seen you and its an AI glitch, its not really cheating. After you kill her open up the console (~ key) and type


player.setcrimegold 0


That should do it, you might have to add in "to" before the 0.

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Thank you all for your replies! To tell the truth the 1000 bounty does not really bother me it's more the fact that I get caught that bothers me the most since I always made sure to be unseen by my preys. I guess I will just kill her pay the bounty and then pretend nothing happened lol. I am always afraid to break my saves by using the console.
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Attacking guards while 100%+ chameleoned gives no bounty, even if you aren't sneaking. This is probably the same for her.

I did that, I completly ruined my game.

It's fun for a while but it just gets boring, fast.

No risk=No fun. :(

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