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Anyone doing any voiced fallout mods?


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First - it's never a good idea to post your email address directly on message boards.


Second - for which "fallout" did you mean? There's a lot of them and Nexus has mods sites and subforums for all of them last time I checked.


Third - please make sure to put your post in the correct subforum for that game not in general pc gaming where it is likely to be overlooked. You can find the subforum for the game you want by going to that game's mod site ( for example http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/? ) and then clicking on the "forum" button in the upper right hand side of the page.


Fourth - if you did indeed mean to offer your services for Fallout 4, I'm afraid it's likely way too early for anyone to undertake large quest mods yet since the editor has not yet been released and there's no confirmed eta on its arrival.

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Please post your request in the specific game forum. The stickied post contains a link to the dedicated forum sections.

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