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[Mod Request] Fo3/FNV H.U.D in Fallout 4


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Would it be possible to change the H.U.D in Fallout 4 to that of Fo3 or New Vegas? I personally have nothing against the new H.U.D but it just doesn't feel like I'm playing Fallout properly without that good old layout with all its bar-y-ness.


I don't know if there is a demand for such a mod but I thought I'd just throw it out there to see if something bites.

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hey im all for it, as long as it keeps the new radiation system that is, i like that part. the whole lack of bars thing though makes the game feel a tad bit off.

Of course. I wouldn't want to see any of the systems removed either. The Rads deficit could be represented with red or empty bars.

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i really have to say the power armor and the rad system are the best changes they've made... but everything else is all over the place from good to bad to meh to hmmm and back to good again.


but the lack of bars at first didnt seem to bother me much when i was looking at gameplay stuff before release. after playing though i find that it doesnt feel right. before i was able to actually see how much health i had by remembering my max health and doing the math for what each bar represented. now it looks like a typical health bar.


nothings wrong with it. it's not bad but it just doesnt feel like Fallout.

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