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Bloody Mess... no mess.


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I'd like to see a version of Bloody Mess that doesn't include the explosion. I'd prefer to see it turned into a dismemberment only type thing, where arms, legs, etc that are being targeted have a higher chance to become a mess (Like when head shots explode the head rather than knocking it off. etc), but I'd settle for a 'no mess' at all option.


Now, I understand this would make the last perk 'When an enemy exploded there is a chance others will explode too' rather obsolete. In which case, maybe instead of having it do that just have it up the damage by another 5% So, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%.

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There's been mods to alter the Bloody Mess perk in previous games, including at least a couple that made the perk able to be toggled, so I would expect similar ones for F4 eventually.


Another possibility I can think of for the last rank would be that if you do trigger the limb detonation on your target that it would have a chance to explode a limb of nearby enemies, still removing them from the fight but without causing such a terrible mess as exploding multiple entire enemies.

Edited by DragosDrakkar
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