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System Shock II


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SSII was such a wonderful game...


had elements of stealth and combat, and a very cool system for customizing your character. A forerunner of Deus Ex in many ways.


The graphics didn't compare with today's titles of course.


But the gameplay itself-- the sweaty palms factor-- was as good as it gets.

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The game was good no doubt, but I never had the chance to finish it. We had a virus that broke down the hard-drive, and afterwards I traded the game for another with a friend of mine. I do wonder if I regret it though... :unsure:
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Not to rub salt in the wounds, but the ending ROCKED. Wonderful feeling of heroic triumph, with a very good plot twist as the screen faded to black.


The sort of thing every game [and movie] tries for, but done far better than most.


While the path through the game was fairly set in stone, the character developement system [in leu of leveling, like with Deus] gave you a lot of different ways to follow that path.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

I _really_ liked System Shock 1. That was a good game.


I think the problem with SSH2 was that about halfway into the game the story began to bog heavily down. It all got to much doom-like for my taste. I hated the weapon degradation system (and those incessantly screeching spiders).

There was not this intense sci-fi feeling present the way it was with SSH1.


Although the thing with all those chemical elements was a very nice touch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never got to play SS1. When I stumbled onto SS2 and saw how good it was, I had to get SS1. Took some time, but I managed to obtain it. By then, computers were too advanced and also the OS to run the game. Can't play it on XP. But hey, I own it!

SS2 is still a good game. Played it again last summer. Loved messing with the chemicals and the vending machines.....let's see, do I want a med kit or a multi-tool?

Granted the graphics aren't near as stunning as games are today, but some of us are willing to give up the prettiness for more action.

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Granted the graphics aren't near as stunning as games are today, but some of us are willing to give up the prettiness for more action.

True. Still, that's no reason not to use any texture enhancing mods if they're avaiable. :P


There are a bunch of them out there. There's a big one replacing a lot of textures, and there's another one that improves the models.

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Granted the graphics aren't near as stunning as games are today, but some of us are willing to give up the prettiness for more action.

True. Still, that's no reason not to use any texture enhancing mods if they're avaiable. :P


There are a bunch of them out there. There's a big one replacing a lot of textures, and there's another one that improves the models.


Ah, but not all of us know where to find them. Sometimes search engines can be real butts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah, but not all of us know where to find them. Sometimes search engines can be real butts.



That, my friend, is where Shock fans with links come in handy. Try this site. If you can't find it there, you can find a link to it- and if all else fails, there's a forum at TTLG where you can ask directly for anything at all relating to Shock 1 and 2. ;)

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. Data downloaded, also 135 M mission by Christine. Will have to check it out.
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