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Mod Request - a pistol in each hand.


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i'll be the first to say that i don't know how to mod so i don't know how hard this would be.. but damn it would be cool so have a lazer pistol in one hand and a plasma in the other. or console command two Deliverer's and James bond the hell out of everything lol


the right trigger button would fire for both guns, shooting one pistol at a time, left to right, or right to left.., sort of the same way dual pistols work in left 4 dead, i suppose.


right trigger could still ADS with then, although not directly like a single pistol.. more or less bring them closer together for better aiming.





i would love to see this.

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Its quite impossible to actually aim with dualies. Left and right should fire that particular gun, no ADS


If i remember correctly it was allmost impossible to equip two different weapons at the same time in FO3 and NV... Would need LOT of work in any case and cant be done without the modding-tools

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