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Interesting NPC SKyrim Crash. Need help.


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I am new to the modding scene for Skyrim as I recently got a computer that can handle the game quite well with 60 fps. It has been a blast adventuring through Skyrim's wonderful world with the help of mods such as Falskaar and Expanded Towns and Cities. Today I was browsing the Skyrim Nexus and I noticed a mod called Interesting NPCs, which looked like a great mod. I downloaded the 7zip file of Interesting NPCs and added the mod file to NMM. It took awhile for it install but things seemed great. I started up Skyrim and got an instant crash upon load. Knowing that there is a mod conflict error with the mod I just got I tried to uninstall Interesting NPCs (I probably botched the install somehow). Doing this crashes NMM instantly. Any advice?

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With Mod Organizer you will see what mod is missing one or more required masters in the right hand panel. Missing masters are usually the source of instant crashes when launching Skyrim.

Edited by blattgeist
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