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Is Sten Sexist


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And you didn't get the memo that women rule the Qunari society did you. Or that the Qunari create an illusion of certainty by creating roles for themselves.
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no matter what Qunari culture is, but i don't like Sten. As example, maybe some race have certain way, but that doesn't mean as individual that person is good or bad. For example, are all German Nazi soldiers have the same attitude like Hitler? Sure no. Qunari maybe have women leader or whatever, but Sten as individual is sexist and short sighted. There are a lot of Qunari other than Sten, maybe they are wise, intelligent and not sexist. Edited by Qistina
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Invoking Godwin's Law isn't going to help your argument which at best is just strawman. Even Sten in the end will respect you after you gain 75+ approval.
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"Sexist" is a highly subjective term.


He might be considered so in our culture, he might be considered so even to the average Ferelden citizen...but in his culture, he is not.


He is a product of his environment, nothing more.

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  • 1 year later...

Sten (a title and a job, not a name) isn't "sexist". He, and all the Qunari, is "role-ist". He does a good job of describing this when talking about the farmer wanting to be a merchant.


I'm not saying I agree with him, (and my Warden doesn't) but he summarizes the Qunari perspective very well. See also Tallis, in DA2 - MotA and/or the on-line series "DA - Redemption". :thumbsup:

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Yah women can be warriors now we got guns ( i hate guns; can use em well but dispise there easyness kids can use um thats wrong). But back then u wore heavy armor carried heavy supplyies and wielded heavy manily weopons sry ladies sure u could use um but that like sayin u can raise a kid solo ( not a brilient idea) just sayin guys may be dumb but the right 1s will do right.
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  • 1 month later...

He is sexist. Of course it's a product of his society but the same thing honestly happened in real life too. He believes that women should stay in the jobs that society deems them to be fit for, such as a tailor. In the conversation he also lists other jobs he thinks that women are suited for and they are all stereotypical domestic jobs. While having the right to vote was at the forefront of the women's rights movement, discrimination in the workforce is a huge factor.


If someone pursues a job and is fit for it, they should be allowed to practice that job.

And that is what makes Sten sexist. Technically.


However, that does not make him a bad person and in my file Sten and I are total BFFs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, he's sexist. I don't care that it's part of his culture, it's still sexism.


It's even more sexist that females rule Qunari society. That doesn't help.

Edited by Rennn
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