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Race: Daemon




Marksman: 100

Strength: 70

Magic: 80

Destruction: 70

Agility: 60

Heavy Armor: 80

Sneak: 90

Mercantile: 30

Long Blade: 80

Alteration: 85

Speechcraft: 80


Everything else


All between 60-100


Name:Jouko Akujin




Armor of the Kihaku http://www.cuneo.us/tesmw/images/Jouko/arm...mor_concept.jpg


Long Blade- 2 Handed - name Tenma Gyokou - Cast on strike fire Damage for 60 points, and lightning damage for 60

Armor has Water Walk ability, Water breathing, reflects magic


Other Weapons

Kihaku Bow

Kihaku Dagger



Flight from the Daemon race


Amazing hearing

Fire Ball 80 damage, Range 20 meters

Heal 80 for 120 seconds or until fully healed

Spark 50 damage

Shadow Ability (makes me invisible)

Ground flush (i can be flat against the ground)


Abilities gained from Angelican race:


Light ball

Night Eye






Jouko came from a war race called the Daemons, they had fought centuries with the Angelicans, Jouko's father was a black winged Daemon and his mother was a silver winged Angelican. This kind of relationship nearly got Jouko killed for being the half of both.



Most Angelicans come with blue eyes and white feather wings, magic being one of their most powerful abilities, yet there are some exceptions to white winged blue eyed Angelicans, these are the Silver wing black eyes Angelicans, these are the elites of the Angelicans and when they join a fight they destroy everything.



Daemons, a war race Red eyed Brown winged race, they fight to live and live to fight, there abilities include flight and amazing skill with weapons, and making armor, but as there are exceptions to the Angelicans the same goes with the Daemons, the exception the yellow-eyed black winged creations.


I am the result of the forbidden love, One black wing one silver feather wing and grey eyes, 6'8" and still able to grow i am 1800 yrs old, Black and silver hair about a foot or two long, taught by a Demon lord i slue him when he tried to have me assassinated. And now i have been hired to find the assassin in the barfly.

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Ive got 2 characers to post...


Name: Sir Smashaalott (birth name Orfeo the Brave)

Race: Nord

Class: custom, Berxerker of Skrym, the berzerker of skrym is not a mindless killing machine although they are horrifying to behold in battle they are also quite skilled in alchemy and minor schools of magika, mainly destruction and necromancy. The berzerkers are often cast out from society because of their bottomless rage and twisted killing habits (collecting skulls, feasting upon inerds and constantly beating the courpses of their victoms, just to name a few).

Age:285 (but he fights and looks as though he is in his 30s)

Armor: sometimes he wears nothing and sometimes he wears a Dwemer curiass, Wraithgaurd, Nordic Mail greves, Indoridril gauntlets, Dwemer boots, and he carries a Nordic Mail helm wich he rarely wears.

Wepos(s): Skull crusher, Sunder, and an enchanted deadric warhammer


Short Biography: Sir Smashaalott was born in Skrym and learned the ways of the Berzerker despite his parents plea to reconsider. But despite this Sir Smashaalott was a very capeable fighter buy his fifteenth year, and seemed to gain even more skill with every conflict he enterd, by sixteen he ventured to Solthiem to aid his bretheren in the war against the falimer (snow elves). He carved through enemy ranks as if killing came naturaly to him. But he began to take on the unerveing habits of the berzerker. He found himself tearing the skulls from his fallen enemys and bretheren alike to take as trophies, even at one point he would rip a limb from his foe and proceed to beat them to death with it. All of his acessively violent and brutal actions caused his superiors and family to have second thoughts about alowing him into this war, but one day Sir Smashallot indulged in yet another killing trend, he began to repeatedly pummle his victoms with his warhammer till there was not much left but bone fragment and the bloody remnants of inerds and flesh. After this disturbing spectical he was disowned and forced in to exile by his comrads. He seemed not to object...but upon his final hour he gave a short speach, he annonced that he would not rest till every man woman and child of Solthiem was dead and their skulls in his posetion.

Despite numerous bounties placed on his head no one had ever been able to find him...and he hasnt followed through with his speach.

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And now for the second character i forgot to post!


Name Earl the Shiftyeyed

Race nord

Class mass murder

Age 26

Armor netch leather

level 2

wepon steel long sword, bone mold longbow with chiton arrows


Short Biography....Born and raised in Vvardenfel by raceist parents Earl hates all elves of all kinds (especaly fargoth :D ). as a young nord he started countless fights with his elf neghibors. By the time he was 18 he was a full fleged racesit of elf and elf kin, he often beat any elf that came to close to his home, he even began murduering them daily, he wqas cought only once commiting a murder in public, seeing as it was an Dunmer gaurd its hard not to get cought. Now he lives in a tiny shack overlooking balmora.


finaly this character dose NOT reflect my belfis on race, i beleive everyone should be treated with equaliy and with courtesy.

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Uhh why are you posting character info in someone else's intro thread? Please start a new one...


Anyway since Jouko's now banned, I'll lock this anyway.

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