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I carry a set of apparel for charisma, and a set for combat, but switching between the two and equipping all the gear for combat is tedious. It would be great to auto-equip my gear via a hotkey menu, and to be able to customize what gear you want in a set. Thank you.

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I carry a set of apparel for charisma, and a set for combat, but switching between the two and equipping all the gear for combat is tedious. It would be great to auto-equip my gear via a hotkey menu, and to be able to customize what gear you want in a set. Thank you.


Not only this, but when I have to swap between the Hazmat suit and whatever armor I had eqiupped previously it takes forever. Yes, it provides an opportunity to evaluate new gear but it is REALLY obnoxious. Being able to create armor/apparel profiles or something along those lines would be extremely helpful.

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