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Possible idea for a hockey mod without breaking nexus ToS, specifically cpoyright.


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So I was already planning on making a hockey stick but I also wanted to add some jerseys and the Fluxland - XL Live remix goal horn from my favorite team, the Bolts.


I know that it is against the nexus ToS so I have sort of a workaround, so that Nexus is totally free of any legal responsibility:


I have the mod packed with a plain white jersey diffuse texture with no NHL logos at all or any NHL copyrighted content. I then add an exe that also contains no copyrighted content whatsoever. This exe will be able to overwrite the jersey's diffuse texture with one obtained from my FTP server if the downloader wants a teams logo on their jersey (they must specify the URL to the NHL logo they want added to their jersey, these logos will be housed on my own private server and will not be included with the mod or posted anywhere on the Nexus servers).


Nexus ToS regarding uploaded mods and copyrighted content:


  • All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.



No files uploaded with the mod would have NHL trademarked logos, sounds or any other works, therefore my mod would not be in breach of Nexus ToS.


Is this a feasible way of making a mod like this? Please no troll comments, spouts of hatred, or anything generally not helpful to the discussion at hand.

A staff or moderators opinion would be very much appreciated.


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Indeed, doesn't take much change to get out from the copyright. You could also rename the team to something like

"The Nuka Bolts" for your own little wasteland twist ;P


The logo would still be the same though (bolt of lightning inside of a circle)


If, in the end, moderators or staff think I shouldn't publish this type of mod I could always publish it elsewhere and provide a link to it.

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You could have an inverted bolt, or a bolt surrounded by a mushroom cloud, ext. Not that big a change, so you can still recognize the team, but avoid any copyright trouble.



Yeah, that would actually be pretty fun. Maybe even have a knockoff little hockey shop to get them in. Heh, I can see a terminal entry complaining about the prevalence of baseball in the commonwealth as opposed to hockey.


All valid ideas :D I think I'll focus on the mod I have released, and when nifskope allows importing I'll start work on this mod.

Edited by ShinraStrife
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