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Shivering Isles


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I have GOTY Oblivion for my pc. I had it installed and played it for a while. I tried to mod on my own and it didn't work so I deleted everything and uninstalled oblivion. I reinstalled oblivion installed my mods, tested that they worked, installed shivering isles and began to play. I played for a whole before I realized that I never got the quest start for Shivering Isles. I got out of the prison, went straight to the arena and finished that whole quest line before I realized that it never came up. I went to Anvil to see if the preacher was there for the Knights of the Nine and he was. So I went out of the game and installed the shivering isles patch. The patch causes my game to crash. So I went back in without the patch activated to see if the island was there. It's not. I tried deleting all the shivering Isles and Knights of the nine files and reinstalling it, but that doesn't work either. Since I have Vista, I couldn't open control to see if I could type in a code I found online that jump starts the quest (setstage se01door 10). So I downloaded a mod I found for that called Ring of Control (or of the God's or something like that), that when equipped on the played opens up control. That didn't work (in the inventory screen or trying to hotkey it). I don't want to have to uninstall oblivion and reinstall it all over again. Is that my only option to uninstall and reinstall all everything?
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The GotY version should be fully patched to 1.2.0416 and from what I understand the Deluxe version (which it sounds like you have) includes the DLC. When you 'patched' the fully patched game, did it not give a warning (also the patches are all specific to certain versions of the game and areas of the world)? Was it the Unofficial Shivering Isle patch that you installed?
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It causes it to crash. I thought that maybe I didn't install it correctly, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled it under admin. and nothing, same thing. I ran a conflict report and it says everything conflicts, when I uncheck the patch, everything's fine. And I still can't play shivering Isles. Edited by ohtash
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If you have installed just Oblivion, and patched it to 1.2.0416, and THEN installed Shivering Isles, you have a sort of mongrel installation. You can't do Oblivion / Oblivion Patch / Shivering Isles / Shivering Isles patch as it just won't work right.


Firstly, if you are on Vista or Windows 7, install Oblivion to C:\Games\Oblivion not the default location, it stops UAC mucking stuff up with mods and settings.


You need to install Oblivion, then Shivering Isles, then apply any remaining Official patches by selecting the Shivering Isles versions NOT the Oblivion versions, before then applying any unofficial patches.


If you do just the Oblivion and Shivering Isles install (and Knights of the Nine as that's part of the GOTY edition), make sure that is patched to 1.2.0416 (Shivering Isles patch, but the GotY edition should already be that version once installed), then run through the tutorial dungeon, you should get a pop-up message about a mysterious island. That shows that Shivering Isles is working correctly. Once you know THAT is ok, THEN continue with unofficial patches, etc.


Also if you have added any quest delayer mods like SM Plugin Refurbish, they WILL delay the start of various DLC mods until certain points - I believe this is also true of the shivering Isles quest. If you haven't, then ignore the last bit.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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The only patch I installed was the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch. And I know that the quest is supposed to pop up. I beat the game on PS3. I'll uninstall it and reinstall it to the games file like you suggested and see if that helps. Also I did not install any quest delay mods.
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The Microsoft security feature UAC that MarkinMKUK mentioned is a bit deceiving where Oblivion is concerned (or any game that can be modded). When you install to the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... it won't interfere with your game at all. It's only when you begin to install mods that it 'protects' you from changes to an installed program (Oblivion in this case). The Unofficial Oblivion patch is a mod (note the esp at the end of the file name). When you're running vanilla you have no problem ... install the UOP and sorrow.
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The message may not pop up for several game days. However, the island should be there.

Be sure you have checked Shivering Isles in the data listing also.


Note: Shivering Isles is an update to Oblivion, not a DLC. It actually makes changes to the Oblivion.exe program that cannot be removed once installed. The Shivering Isles.esp that appears in the mod list is a place holder. However, the game looks at that, and if it is not checked then the Shivering Isles will not be present even though the upgrade is still installed. Once the GOTY version Shivering Isles has been installed your game should be patched to the latest version. The Unofficial patches are not really patches, they are mods and can be removed. A true patch makes changes to the actual game files that cannot be undone after they have been installed.


Knights of the Nine is a DLC and not an upgrade. It can be added and removed just like any mod and any other DLC, without any changes in the actual game program.

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