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installing replacer mods


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I'm trying to install a mod that changes the clothing of all NPC's in the game on a windows vista but whenever i transfer the file into the oblivion data file it does not show up on the check list under data files. what do I need to download or change to allow this mod to work?
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Are you sure that the mod is an esp or esm file? I thought all replacer mods were just a bunch of meshes and textures. In which case you unzip them into the data folder (or you might have to do it manually if they're packaged differently) and they'll show up in the game. There's nothing to show on the check list for data files.
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I always extract the downloaded archive into a named sub folder of the OblivionDownloads directory I have created. That way I can examine the contents and compare to my Oblivion's currently installed Data folder and know what will and won't be overwritten (this is especially important after you've installed a number of 'replacer' mods). If a new mod is going to overwrite something that is already installed I can backup the soon to be overwritten files. Makes undoing changes much easier.


Once you have the extracted mod contents to examine, it's usually pretty self explanatory what you need to copy into your game Data directory. Usually, if the mod folders are organized starting at the Data folder, you can right click and select Copy on the unpacked archive Data folder, and then right click and Paste into your game's Oblivion folder. Always paste into one directory level higher than your copy, otherwise you'll get a Data folder inside your game's Data folder, and the mod won't work.

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