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FO4Edit: the effect/spell/perk of wearing power armor and loading self made mod into the game.


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First off, the only modding experience I have is with the creation kit in skyrim, so I'm completely new to FO4Edit.


I am trying to make a mod that will rebalance power armor. I'm pretty annoyed with myself, because I wear my power armor even if I'm going to the store to sell off a few things. There really are no downsides to using it all the time.


So I decided I wanted to rebalance it a bit. The first two changes are going to be to increase damage resistance(really giving you the feeling of being encased in super-armor), but nerfing the speed significantly, again, giving the feeling of slow moving, sluggish badass. I'm not certain about the exact values, but something similar to regular walk for running, and running for sprinting. Now that the vision is established, off to the technical stuff, which I'm having trouble with.


If I understand this correctly, all I have to do is to add speedmult whenever the player is inside a power armor frame. In FO4Edit I found the power armor race, which had a spell related to it, the spell had an effect related to it, and the effect added a perk; powerarmorperk(0001F8A9). I assumed that the player would become part of the power armor race whenever they entered a power armor frame, thus adding/changing values of speedmult in that perk would be the best way to go about it.


I'm currently in a bit of a snag. I tried changing the falldamage values already existing in the powerarmorperk, setting them to a multiplum of the actors normal falldamage. It didn't work. I tried exiting the power armor, and adding the perk via player.addperk 0001F8A9, and I now didn't take any fall damage while outside of power armor. This lead me to belive I hadn't even loaded the mod into the game, however, I have already done changes to the damage resistances, and those changes show up in game.


Like I said, I am completely new to FO4Edit and modding before creation kits, but this seem like something that should be as simple as adding an effect to the powerarmorperk. I don't understand why even changing the values of an existing effect doesn't work.


Thanks for any and all responses.


If I don't get demotivated by not getting this to work properly, in the future, the plan is to make power armor summonable(think iron-man), ideally by vertibird. Considering the initial power armor frame has a map-marker, it should have a spesific ID(?), and institute grenades makes it possible to summon, so if I'm not mistaken, it should be possible to replace the ID in those grenades with summoning the power armor frame even before GECK?

Edited by Noorac
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Are you sure you copied the PA perk as an override and not as a new form?


As for the summoning idea, you should be able to write a script for this but it might be hard to do without the CK.

Also, you probably want to script a menu in where you can select the power armor you want to summon, since

some people own quite a lot of them.


In my opinion the PA doesn't really need to be stronger though. There's already the con of using up fusion cores,

which can be in short supply early on in game or if you lack the caps to keep buying new ones. This could mean

you'd be forced to abandon some of your frames, especially early in-game where you don't have the resources yet.

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Yeah, copied as override. Same as I did with the armor parts. This is why it's boggleing my mind so much.


You are probably right with the PA being stronger. I play on survival with the "set your own survival damage"-mod. And I set my damage to 150% of normal, and enemies to something like double survival damage. I just want there to be a significant difference between using PA and not using it. Either way, it is easily uploadable twice, one with higher dmg resist, and one without. Or even let the user chose when it's installed via NMM.

Edited by Noorac
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Odd, must be a form that's still overruling the changes you've made. Maybe a standard perk list over the PA race or

something similar? I know it shouldn't matter with an override, but worth looking into I think. Or maybe one of the mod

effects, like the Overdrive Servos, since I think that influences the speedmult as well (at least while sprinting).

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