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Best castle/estate/mansion/player homes addon.


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There's like, too many to check out. What would people recommend is the most popular(non-shivering isles only) house/estate/manor/w.e mod to chill out in? That's not filled with too many bugs and works great with companions. Edited by Ghoulz
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'Best' is kind of subjective. My own preferences

Castle - Glenvar Castle: http://tesnexus.com/...ile.php?id=8235

Must complete a tough quest to get it. I have had over a dozen companions in this one, plus the dozen it adds. Lots and I do mean LOTS of storage - including a secret display vault that is larger than most player homes.


Mansion/Estate - Verona House-Bloodlines: http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=36389

Must first complete main quest, then do a long quest. Adds 6 to 8 new companions & a dozen more NPCs & is companion friendly. The house is huge. The estate includes a very complete village that is larger and more complete than any vanilla village in the game.


Cozy - Private Quarters: 3 small rooms, storage room, sleeping room, mages room. Various versions available - mine is heavily modified and I no longer remember which was the original: http://tesnexus.com/...oads/search.php

Find the spell to get this one - hints in the read me. Most seem to use the portal, the one I have uses a spell to instantly transport you. From anywhere and at any time - Shivering Isles, Oblivion, inside, during combat - it just doesn't seem to care. A good place to park your player when removing no longer wanted mods.

Quick portal to a place to sleep, make potions, enchant stuff, store stuff. Can handle one companion well. More than that gets a little crowded.

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My latest favourite home is Aranmathi - Ayleid Home by Anakondrak - version 1.04. A ton of storage, plenty of space for displaying your plunder, bright and pleasant decor and lot's of options if you like customizing in the CS. Right out of the box it has all the usual extras (ingredient garden, alchemy set, enchanting and spell making altars etc.) plus it comes with some not so common ones (your own personal Oblivion portal for when you're running low on those hard to find items, transport portal to any other vanilla homes you own, black soul gem altar).
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You have to be a high level to obtain the Glenvar Castle? Probably a stupid question. Not so much fun when all my characters are level 1.


Also, can companions get into that Ayleid home without portals active?


I was thinking on giving this one a try Aberwiin Manor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19362, it's free from the start.

Edited by Ghoulz
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To tell you the truth I've been so busy 'personalizing' it I haven't tried bringing any companions through the portal. The home comes with four guards patrolling the Throne room and two 'guests' in the Private Quarters. If I get a chance tonight I'll try beaming a couple of my CM Partners in using the home portal installed in the mod.


Edit: I hadn't checked out Aberwiin Manor before. It comes with all the bells and whistles ... I just don't find it as aesthetically pleasing as Aranmathi (i.e. a ton of display cases just dominating a room, rather than display cases arrayed in a manner which would realistically lead a visitor to peruse as they wandered through your home). Not that Aranmathi hasn't it's faults ... part of what my 'personalizing' has entailed. Aranmathi is free as well.

Edited by Striker879
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Aranmathi causes my game to crash when I get near it. Do I need to start a new game first?


105 update has in readme about entrance(needs clean save or console command with existing savegame).

Edited by Ghoulz
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I didn't even know there was an update until just now. I 'discovered' Aranmathi through a link on another thread, and never looked through Ruins, forts and abandoned structures until now. Version 1.04 (that I'm using) didn't have any problems from a savegame. Looking through the listed changes (from the mod description) most look pretty minor, with the exception of the "Entrance set higher (needs clean save or console command with existing savegame)" and "Added statue base to staircase to get rid of the waterlevel near entrance". Dealing with the water at the entrance is one of those things on my 'to do' list that I haven't delved into yet on my personalized copy. I'm too far down that path to consider changing to version 1.05 (plus where's the fun in not having some 'new owner renovating' for myself).


My take on the "needs clean save or console command with existing savegame" is that it would only affect people who had version 1.04 installed previously and had savegames and then updated to 1.05. They would need to disable version 1.04, make a 'clean save' and then update to 1.05. Because version 1.05 requires version 1.04 to be installed first the author of version 1.05 must have done some manner of mod de-isolation to create his update. If you read through that linked de-isolation article you'll see that there are plenty of ways to shot off one's foot while doing that. I can't say whether or not that's the case in this case ... just putting it out there.

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I didn't even know there was an update until just now. I 'discovered' Aranmathi through a link on another thread, and never looked through Ruins, forts and abandoned structures until now. Version 1.04 (that I'm using) didn't have any problems from a savegame. Looking through the listed changes (from the mod description) most look pretty minor, with the exception of the "Entrance set higher (needs clean save or console command with existing savegame)" and "Added statue base to staircase to get rid of the waterlevel near entrance". Dealing with the water at the entrance is one of those things on my 'to do' list that I haven't delved into yet on my personalized copy. I'm too far down that path to consider changing to version 1.05 (plus where's the fun in not having some 'new owner renovating' for myself).


My take on the "needs clean save or console command with existing savegame" is that it would only affect people who had version 1.04 installed previously and had savegames and then updated to 1.05. They would need to disable version 1.04, make a 'clean save' and then update to 1.05. Because version 1.05 requires version 1.04 to be installed first the author of version 1.05 must have done some manner of mod de-isolation to create his update. If you read through that linked de-isolation article you'll see that there are plenty of ways to shot off one's foot while doing that. I can't say whether or not that's the case in this case ... just putting it out there.


The thing is, is that my game crashed before I found the 1.05 update.

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As I mentioned in a PM, I'm wondering about your issue being either installation related or mod conflict related.


Further findings I've made regarding the reason for "needs clean save or console command with existing savegame". When the version 1.05 author Miltiades raised the outdoor structures to get rid of the water in the entry way problem, the Aranmathi entry door will appear in it's original location (i.e. not raised to the new elevation) because it's location is saved in your old savegame. I have found the same thing in my 'personalized' version 1.04 now that I've raised the outside structures. It needs a clean save to correct, which means emptying everything out of the whole house that you've stored or placed there, disabling the mod, making a new save and then re-enabling the mod and put all your stuff back. The alternative offered ("or console command") is outlined in the version 1.05 AranMathi-105-List-of-Changes.txt included with the download (excerpted here):

However, there is a way to manually raise the door through the console if someone can't or won't make a clean save.


To do this, open the console by pressing '~' and click on the entrance. Now type the following and press Enter:


setPos z 8.00


The door should now be properly aligned again. Be advised though that it's always better to make a clean savegame as the teleport marker was also repositioned and may cause a character to appear beneath the mesh.


Further investigation makes me certain that any "mod de-isolation problems" are non-existent, just another case of me running off on a wild tangent. Comparing file sizes between version 1.04 and 1.05 says de-isolation is not the problem. Version 1.04 (which requires version 1 to be installed first) is required by version 1.05 for meshes and textures. The version 1.05 download only includes two replacement meshes and one new mesh along with the esp.

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