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geck problem - most of hotel floor missing


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I'm sure I'm doing something 1) obvious and 2) stupid, but I would appreciate any help here. I'm trying to work with the 13th floor of the Tops, but most of it is missing in the render window:





That's Yes Man standing out there in space all by his lonesome.


I've tried running the geck through power up and without it, and the result is the same. This is just the vanilla game, btw, not a mod. When I go there in game, everything is fine. So what have I managed to screw up? :)


Thank you!




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It's caused by the multibounds feature being bugged. To fix it, open GECKCustom.ini in your documents folder and set bUseMultibounds to 0.


This will in turn cause a crash when trying to load the Lucky 38, so you'll have to set it back to 1 if you wish to edit those cells.

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Thanks, Ladez! I'll try that (and try to remember to switch it back if I ever mess with the Lucky 38).


Is the bug new(ish)? I don't remember this happening before, but I haven't messed with interiors in a long time.

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