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MacCready Teeth


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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this topic is kind of old, but I stumbled across it when I was looking for the same thing.


I went ahead and made a quick edit in FO4edit. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5LALVz5Sp4AbHlXREl4U2xYZm8/view?pref=2&pli=1

The only thing I changed was his "head part" from the rotten teeth to the normal one, like what the player uses. https://drive.google.com/a/mail.usf.edu/file/d/0B5LALVz5Sp4AZXE2T2hrN2pNdTA/view


Note that this is incompatible with any mod that changes MacCready's appearance. Alternatively, you could use FO4edit to make a MacCready.esp plugin, then use FaceRipper to replace his head with one from a saved game. Then he'd get player teeth anyway. I promise, it's easier to do than it sounds, and then you can customize MacCready's appearance, anyway.

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