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Glowing pipboy texture.Need help


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i was surfing the nexus then i saw a tron vaultsuit and i thought can i make a glowing pipboy.One problem i dont know where to start.

1.know idea how to make a glowing texture

2.dont know tools to use other than paint.net

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I have just figured the basic for making it glow. the location of the outside of the pipboy is "data\textures\animobjects\pipboy\pipboy01_d.dds". You need to create a new text file in this location and make sure you change the name and extension to what I put here "data\materials\animobjects\pipboy\pipboy01.bgsm". Open this new bgsm file you created with any text editor like notepad and paste this in there.

  "sDiffuseTexture": "animobjects/pipboy/PipBoy01_d.dds",
  "sNormalTexture": "animobjects/pipboy/PipBoy01_n.dds",
  "sSmoothSpecTexture": "animobjects/pipboy/PipBoy01_s.dds",
  "sGlowTexture": "animobjects/pipboy/PipBoy01_g.dds",
  "fRimPower": 2.0,
  "fSubsurfaceLightingRolloff": 0.3,
  "bSpecularEnabled": true,
  "cSpecularColor": "#f4f3f4",
  "fSpecularMult": 0.7,
  "sRootMaterialPath": "",
  "bEmitEnabled": true,
  "cEmittanceColor": "#0070E8",
  "fEmittanceMult": 0.7,
  "bCastShadows": true,
  "bGlowmap": true,
  "fDisplacementTextureBias": -0.5,
  "fDisplacementTextureScale": 10.0,
  "fTessellationPnScale": 1.0,
  "fTessellationBaseFactor": 1.0,
  "fGrayscaleToPaletteScale": 0.5019608,
  "bTileU": true,
  "bTileV": true,
  "fAlphaTestRef": 127

Edit: idk what anything does, but it does glow some of the pipboy.

Edited by xToK3x
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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually did this a while back, sorry I didn't find this thread sooner.

So as mentioned above, you need to create a new materials file and a new "glow" texture map.
I currently have working glow textures applied for both pipboy01_d and pipboy02_d, and they actually work differently.

pipboy01_g functions as any other glow map, and if you're trying to add glow effects to the "front" of the pipboy, this is what you'll want to mess with. Should be more or less intuitive, but basically just see how other glow maps work and copy the method.

pipboy02_g does not work like any other glow map I've come across and took a little bit of trial and error to figure out. For whatever reason, the game dislikes the application of the black background here and the glow map will actually override the diffuse map if you do that. So for this texture, make sure that anywhere you would have black you have it set to full transparency.

If you have any more questions or need clarification, feel free to PM me!

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