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oblivion addict

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I'm sorry if this has already been said but I'm kind of a n00b at modding. I just want to know how to put a spell into a vendor or book and have me be able to buy it or read the book and then get the new script spell that i have made. If you do have any experience on this, please reply! :)
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Use this code, but modify where it says xYourScriptNamex, and turn <tab> into an actual tab(press the tab button with <tab> selected):





scn xYourScriptName


short doonce


Begin OnActivate

<tab>if (doonce == 0)

<tab><tab>player.addspell xYourSpellNamex

<tab><tab>set doonce to 1







This is to add to a book, which will add that spell when read.

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Won't work as is, since you forgot an end. You don't actually need the doonce, as attempting to add a spell that the player already has doesn't do anything. (Actually, I think it may return 0 or 1 (not sure which) to a calling funtion, but that's not relevant here.)


scn xYourScriptName

Begin OnActivate
player.addspell xYourSpellNamex


Also, you can use the [ code]code here[ /code] tags for scripts and such.

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Oooooh....alrighty then. I just used someone else's script from a mod, modified it, and I guess I didn't see the end part....was using [script] [/script] as a made up separating technique...thanks Abramul. (Abrasive mullet, wasn't it?) I guess the doonce was just so it added spells once, so you could read the book as many times as you fancied.
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