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About toan450

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  1. I know , i know...but am behind in my quest because of major technical difficulties.
  2. Man! You are cruel! ok... is it... Draftdodgershavetakenallthegoodjobs, BC ?
  3. Is it Abandonallhopeyewhoevendaretostickatoeinthewateraroundhere, Nova Scotia?
  4. Is it Joeysmallwoodisgod, Newfoundland?
  5. Is it Soeurjacqueshadasexchangeop, Province de Quebec?
  6. Is it Abandonallhopeyewhoenterherewelcometowawa, Ontario?
  7. Okay ...back to the unanswered question: is it Wtfarethesetinyblackthingsandwhyaretheyeatingmealive, Northern Ontario?
  8. I cant hear youuuu!
  9. Say something, dammit! Your accerbic wit is missed. Hope all is well. C.
  10. I suppose since Chesto seems set on being evil, I can take the place of the delightfully British good guy who is rarely ever seen and barely says anything except to explain how the goody's gadgets work and for some comic relief. In Halororor's case, I'd explain how to use the Demon-Mars-Video-Game-Portal, but that it's extremely dangerous. Then I'd mention crumpets. I'm a little worried by FesterbyNice's near-total lack of post count. Frankly, he scares me much more than a fresh loaf of rye Fear.
  11. Monty Python, eh? Hmm...perhaps you should invite miss Grail to watch that with you. Nothing says romance like hilarious comedy. Life lesson learned, begrudgingly remembered, then finally let off my chest after nearly forgetting about it. Thanks for the opportunity. Oh, and here's your faith in humanity. I think you dropped it.
  12. I found Blacksnake's story to be very well written and it generally made me feel good. Kudos to you, sir. It was actually inspirational enough to make me post on this thread again, after my long break of about...2 hours? Maybe? Ah well. I too have some experience with those "almost super model hot but extremely high maintenance girls that are really bitchy". God how I hate them now. I, foolishly, found myself quite interested in one who I didn't know too well. She seemed pretty smart and decently nice...but jeez, bad decision there. It never went anywhere, which was frustrating as hell, but I guess it's a blessing because eventually she just started being totally self-centered and stopped (did she ever start?) regarding me as a person, and just as a living tech support phone line, only without the phone. I feel totally stupid for ever being interested in her, and when I consider how much time I wasted on this conceited little witch, I get filled with rage. The stupid thing is, this happened less than a year after I stopped liking a proper girl (I was a bit too young then) who was genuinely kind, incredibly smart, and funny as all heck. Luckily we stayed friends (though a bit distant), but I am now just the teeniest bit confused about the whole thing because we started talking again and I remember why I liked her in the first place. Ah well, such is life. Since this post didn't contain I like, here: I like getting this off my chest. I feel much better now. I think I'll post things more like this from now on. I know half the people here didn't read this, or didn't care, but if you did, thanks. Oh, and Blacksnake: congratz man! I believe you may have found the holy grail. Just don't lose it.
  13. I'm pretty sure nothing I can say now could possibly make my situation any worse, and seeing as nobody seems to understand me anyways, then what the fek. Obviously no one slagging me for insulting Mos is willing to read even slightly deeper into writing, or even the writing itself, because I've called Mos a "creepy old man" for quite a while now. He actually started it. Seeing as I have no issue with Mos at all, it stands to figure that my comical title for him was not an insult, but just a comical title. Amazing. I am particularly surprised that it has not been let go because I have explicitly stated TWICE that it was a joke. I cannot be held accountable if someone takes something too seriously, but once again: Carah, it was a joke, I'm sorry. I don't give a fekking damn if she's blocked me, but could someone else at least tell her? Aeryn, if you wish to fence, then let us fence. I warn you though, I do not wear kiddy gloves. I wear no gloves at all. However, in light of the fact that I have been so misinterpreted it isn't even remotely funny, I might as well bring a wheel of cheese. Everyone will think it's a sword and find it highly offensive. tyreil, while I'm not quite sure what a vibrosword is (Star Wars, right?), something called a "blaster" doesn't sound like it would a) be fair, and b) make me bleed, thus ruining the bloodsport. Aeryn, again. I'm pretty sure (t/T)imihendrix asked for some Irish, without the coffee. What that means, though... Dezi, thanks for accepting me and all, but what exactly did I push? Did I push a crippled donkey into a minefield of betrayal? Because that's what it feels like. Sort that metaphor out for yourselves. Chesto, thanks for either not posting or not stabbing me in the face like everyone else. Apparently they're too honest for the back. Wonderful. Frankly, I don't give a rats flying arse on meth if I've insulted someone in this post. I really don't. I said what I felt needed to be said, and if someone can't deal with non-flowery-pseudo-poetry, too fekking bad. Feh. Unless it's requested otherwise, I may leave this thread. Free up some space in my bookmarks. Good day to you all. I like being brutally honest in what I feel.
  14. Well...umm...the fek? Actually, I was going to praise (t/T)imi for being apparently on my side, but figured "Hey, war on two fronts here, I need my mouth free of feet and my feet on the ground." Though really, I wouldn't classify an arena match and choice words to be war...whatever. I like that I had to read through Chesto's post more than 5 times to write that, and I still don't get it. I like that I have at least one (two?) neutral party in my battle, even if he is more of a journalist. I'd like to know what Boudica is... I like that Chesto thinks there are farmers and/or prairies in BC. HAH! @Chesto: their love-child will be a nexus of horrible powers, and they shall call her Tes. @Carah: in all seriousness, I meant no harm. I hope you can find it in your heart (you're Canadian, you have one) to forgive me. That is, if you're not joking. If you are, try adding <sarcasm> tags.
  15. I'd like for everyone to lay off me, or I'll sick the Dread Sheep on you. I wouldn't like to battle Tyreil, partially because I have no problem with him, but mostly because a blood stained sword is hard to explain to the cops. I like that I have some choice words for Carah, such as: "It was a joke", "It's all in good fun", "I don't consider Mos to be creepy or old in a bad way, or any way beyond what he considers himself", "I find Mos to be quite likable and a pretty decent guy", and "I'm only saying these things because what you said couldn't have been a joke; everyone knows that the internet is serious business". There. Everything solved, and no taste of foot in my mouth. I like that Carth's "too early" is my mid-afternoon. I like spending most of my afternoon wandering aimlessly (or, more accurately, to a specified place) around town with a girl, then coming home to teach her to play Halo.
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