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There's a mods limit ?


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Pretty new to modding, so i was wondering, there's a limit to the mods i can apply to FO4 before it start to be unstable ?


or it just depends on the mods ? aka if the mods are working fine with each others, i can install even 100 mods ?


cuz right now i'm sitting over 20 mods and the game work fine.

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All computers are hard coded at 255 files. These would be the esp's that Bethesda uses and would not include texture replacers or merged files. Other than that it would depend on what the mods are (heavily scripted mods create the most issues), size of the mod and the overall horsepower of your machine. The more mods that you use can also cause conflicts with other mods that try to edit the same thing in the worldspace. Being prudent and moderate can help in avoiding most of these pitfalls so you do not want to go too hog wild in adding things.




Edited by Rabbit 51
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