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STFU Longs


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Really sick of the two Long idiots babbling constantly. Jun loves to hang out next to my weapon crafting station and uselessly bang on the wall, and every five seconds tells me to go away because he wouldn't be good company right now, or he hopes I find my son, or that the raiders get what they deserve.


Marcy, if she's not doing the same thing, acts like a b&@*$ every time I get near her. "Sure, I have time to talk to you, let me just stop what I'm doing. I'm being sarcastic." Die in a fire. I was STANDING STILL and you came up to ME.


I haven't been able to figure out how to get them to bugger off; trying to send them to a different settlement doesn't seem to work, and I assigned each of them to a mutfruit plant on the other side of the settlement... but they still show up and annoy me. I don't really WANT to kill both of them, but since there don't seem to be any ball gags in the game like there were in Fallout 2, I'm kind of out of options... Help?

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