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More Ammo for NPCs and Turrets


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With the latest release of the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool, we are now able to force all NPCs to use up ammunition in their inventory. If they run out, they are left with melee. This is great, but unfortunately, most NPCs and turrets only have about 5-20 bullets in their inventory. That's including automatic weapons! So, essentially, with this tweak, 90% of enemies you come across will run out of ammo in about 5 seconds and then run up to punch you. Turrets will fire about 5 shots and then do nothing. It's kinda silly.


If anyone could edit it so that all actors have, perhaps, double or triple the ammo in their inventories, that would be awesome to go along with this tweak. I had a quick look in FO4Edit, but I can't wrap my head around it. Were the CK released, I reckon I'd be able to do it, but yeah, that's not out.



Also, not sure if it's possible yet, but if most enemies could also get a backup melee weapon to use once they're out of ammo, it would be a tad more realistic.



Thanks for any assistance!

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I second this wholeheartedly!


I really dig the option to force NPCs to use ammo in their inventory & it is quite silly that turrets peter out so quickly with this option enabled.


Any suggestions on how to make this work would be great.


And the optional back up melee wep idea is rad too!

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