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minimalist mods?


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I'm finally upgrading my computer - I've been looking forward to playing Oblivion for quite a while now.


I really don't want to use a lot of mods, I want to play the game that the developers made (I don't need new areas/quests/items/bodies, etc).


However, I've heard that there are many small annoyances that some mods can fix, to improve the basic gameplay. The one link I've saved since Oblivion first came out was for BTMod. Is this still good, or are there better/others out there I should check into?



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Better Grass Textures (fixes the tiling of distant grass textures)

Natural Environents (improves the atmosphere of the exterior in Oblivion or so I've heard, a lot of people swear by it, haven't used it myself yet)

More Hotkeys and Delete Spells (requires OBSE)

Map Markers (add your own markers to the map, requires OBSE)

Realistic Physics (tweaks the physics in the game to be more realistic apparently)

Illuminated Within (can see lights turned on inside houses at night and things)


There's also Immersive Interface that you can use, it really makes the HUD more compact and lets you choose what things to show and what not to so you can see more of the scenery/what you're doing. I seem to have lost the link to that. Google for it. ;)


There are a few to get you started!

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