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I am having a problem with my game, when I start it, it gives me this error message: "one or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or gameplay." I have 3 plugins installed, the merchant plugin (available on this site), 1 race mod, and 1 weapons & armor mod, the latter two I made. After I made the race and armor mods, I started the game and it worked fine. then i installed the merchant mod and thats when the problems started. I tried uninstalling that mod but that didn't work. Can anyone help me straighten this out? :help:



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Does it actually cause problems ingame? That error (probably) just means the plugin was made with a different version of Morrowind. Unless you see problems ingame, you can just ignore the error message.
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I've had this problem before, and I ignored the message, but after a while, when I clicked on a npc there would be lag from the time I clicked on the npc to when the window came up and I'm finding it extremely annoying, especially when I'm trying to train. So I would rather fix it if possible, than to ignore it.



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That message just means that one or more plugins that you have were saved under a different version of Morrowind. If it annoys you so much that you must fix it, load the offending plugin in TESCS and save it immediately after loading. Despite the grave message contained within the error, one rarely has problems when playing plugins compiled under a different version of the game.


If you're positive that the lag problem is caused by the Merchants plugin, then unload it.

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