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safe house


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if u join a great hous eand go until u get a safe house could u turn of the great house and still keep your safe house :nazgul: :help: :shifty:

p.s i think these smileys are cool

Let me try to translate this for all of you who are inclined to disregard a question because of it's grammatical errors, unreadability or sub-elementary grade level form.


Original post: if u join a great hous eand go until u get a safe house could u turn of the great house and still keep your safe


Translation: If you join a great house and continue through that house's quests until you get a safe house, could you be kicked out of the Great House and still retain your safe house?


Now, I've never heard of a safe house, but you're probably referring to the fortress you can build once you have attained the status of a house master. Now that that's out of the way, somebody can answer this.

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Then yes, you are given a stronghold once you reach a certain rank in a Great House. And no, you don't lose it if you get kicked out or something.... well, you might, but you can always reclaim it by force.
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