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Make the minutemen save settlements


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I love the idea of being able to build and protect your settlements. I hate that I'm forced to do it. I'd love for someone to make a mod that has other minutemen actually going out and protecting the settlments, rather than constantly being alerted that I failed to protect a settlement.

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I want to go one further, and that is to have both minutemen and the BoS work together to protect them. Have a radio, or something, where they could contact you, you reply I'm on the other side of the map, but I am sending a couple verti-birds, and some minutemen, and they will secure the area.

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pfft why should they bother? they have you!



LOL minutemen are a bunch of lazy turds, taking all the credit for the work of ONE guy.


(A mod to send 'squads' of troops based on what factions your allied with would be awesome, even if said 'squads' ate up settlement population, a crew of heavily armed minutemen/railroad/synth/bos set at one settlement might eat 10 pop but could 'react' and auto-move to defend surrounding settlements, removing the 'need' to be that single person running to each settlement.)

Edited by AtmaDarkwolf
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