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Shiny textures when editing normal and specular textures, need some help


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Hey everyone,


I am having a hard time when it comes to editing the normal and specular textures in Fallout 4. I don't know if it's an output option when I save the file, or if there is something I need to do in photoshop before saving, but whenever I edit them, the item in game ends up super shiny, flat and a bit pixelated. I am using the nvidia plugin in photoshop to save the textures. I've tried different output options when saving but I cant seem to figure out why it's happening. I never have an issue when only editing the diffused textures. I would appreciate it so much if someone could help. Here is an image to show what I meanv (the visor is what i was trying to edit), thanks guys!http://16bit-chick.net/nexus/visor.jpg

Edited by agentbrea
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Sorry, I figured this was a general forum for all fallout modding.

That's been the argument for why its name should change to NV/F3. :tongue:


The shiny issue might be a matter of changing gloss and specular maps. Do you have any more details on your issue to give us?

Edited by Thaiauxn
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