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Can i have a list of mods


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No More Glowing Edges

Remove Interior Fog V2 - Full Version



Xenius Compilation

Optimized Textures

SkyTweak(See all the things you can do in mcm menu, this makes most 'gameplay' mods unneccesary)



^with below in .ini


ofc, you should also tweak your .ini's in documents, dont use someone elses config its often badly made. Google PCgamingwiki,Tweakguides and this;
Last bit of advice.. Don't overmod your game, only take essential.
Especially when it comes to heavily scripted mods as they are kept in savefile, bloat and sudden ctd's are bad m'kay.
If end up downloading many no-script mods, learn how to merge them safely.
You will most likely end up trying some mods for a while and then wanting to uninstall, look for guides on this, also look for how to clean your saves.
If too lazy or dumb, you may go play console. Good luck :)
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enBoost will help with performance, as well as the settings listed above for the INI as long as you have SKSE installed. The S.T.E.P. wiki will help as well.

Colorful Lights - No Shadows listed above and CL for DLCs will remove shadows while and fix some strange issues. The removal of shadows will boost fps.

Optimized Vanilla Textures Should also help with performance.

The Unofficial Skyrim Patches and using LOOT (not a mod, but will order them to avoid CTDs etc) are what I would consider essential.
Second would be SkyTweak to adjust a large amount of things in game.

I highly recommend SkyUi especially if you play with keyboard and mouse. (This contains MCM and was where it originated, so the separate one wouldn't be needed.)

Once you get bored of the Helgen start, I highly suggest Alternate Start - Live Another Life


Enjoy the malleability of PC Skyrim.

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