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PA Frames on NPCs


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Okay. So this may or may not be OP, but this does not make sense to me...


I get attacked by a Raider in Power Armor. Or say I kill a Brotherhood of Steel Knight/Paladin in Power Armor. I loot from him/her:


Power Armor Torso

Power Armor Helmet

Power Armor Right Leg

Power Armor Left Arm


Random Junk


Et al. Random mix of parts... and I can take their clothes off of them while they are in a PA frame, but never the frame itself.


Now it would make sense to me if this were a balance issue so I could not get PA too early in the game. But... yeah. Deathclaw and PA out the gate changes that argument. And I already have umpteen million frames available in the game through vendors or randomly coming across it in open world.


So why can't I loot that shite off the fun encounters where I have to punch some unfortunate bastard's ticket?


I mean, is spawning the frame an issue? Should go in my inventory and spawn when I "drop" it like anything else, right?


This just makes no sense to me.


Could someone please fix this, so Frames are lootable parts like everything else? I'm not exactly hurting for suits, but if I'm going to have umpteen billion parts it would be nice just to be able to display more of them, at least.



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Okay seriously, did you even try to search? I already made a mod, as BEST as I can without the official tools, that solves this problem






I mean, is spawning the frame an issue? Should go in my inventory and spawn when I "drop" it like anything else, right?


No, the vanilla game DOESN'T treat power armor frames like normal items. It's a furniture item. That's exactly why you can't loot it off the corpses.

Edited by jenthecopycat
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