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Forcing eyebot to explode?


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Hello, everybody! I have a little question. I know eyebots usually explode when killed, but I've been messing around with one that has a custom body and weirdly, sometimes he explodes and sometimes he doesn't. What gives? Could anybody maybe tell me what scripting I should use to make super sure he goes boom? Thank you :)

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Perhaps someone will offer a more "correct" solution that simply ensures the Eye-Bot explodes appropriately the normal way ...


What I do for my Buddy Bot companion is as follows:


MBFBuddyBotREF.PlaceAtMe MBFPulseExplosion

MBFBuddyBotREF.PlaceAtMe FlashBangExplosion



Which yields spectacularly satisfying results when he self-destructs; and can similarly be used in the OnDeath block without the Kill command.


MBFPulseExplosion is just a tailored variant of GrenadePulseExplosion.





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Thanks to Athelbras, I ended up going with this little script. I changed the custom explosions and IMODs to the default ones in this script, although I edited the pulse mine explosion to tone down the force and such to the default EyebotExplosion values, and made copies of the IMODs to make sure they display the way I want 'em to.

playsound WPNZapGlove3D
IMOD FlashBangISfx
IMOD ExplosionInFace
SetEssential MyEyebot 0
MyEyebotREF.PlaceAtMe MinePulseExplosion
MyEyebotREF.Disable 1

I also made my bot killable (he's originally essential) because once I got the good ole "eyebot is unconscious" notification message and well, that was awkward :P So this way I can be sure he dies, or at least he goes out of sight. Thanks again!


Once this was set up I did a bit of digging and as far as my research got, the explosion of the default eyebot and the generated debris is available under Destruction -> Edit Destruction Data when editing the creature. I have no idea how to mess with that to make sure it happens all the time, but it's a lead, I guess. In any case, I am satisfied with the results so far.


Of course, if any creature expert wants to chime in, please do! :)

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If it's getting killed by normal violent means then Destruction Data should kick in and play the explosion. Usually the explosion is set for health % being 0 in the destruction stage data and it's defined along with the explosion to play when it dies and how much / what debris and whether the original creature gets disabled in the process.


If it was essential to start with that might have caused the game to have conflict. Something to note is if you call MyRobotRef.Kill it is not a normal death and the destruction stage doesn't seem to play.


Also if someone was to go to the bother you can define your own Debris (if you have the nifs) and make up something different, Pinata anyone?

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I was hoping you would drop by :tongue: Hm... perhaps I should've gone with something like "RobotREF.DamageActorValue Health 9000" or something to see if that would work. I have an eyebot in another mod that is originally essential but the flag gets switched and the bot gets killed with REF.KillActor, and I never had it fail as far as I remember, so I was wondering if I had broken it somehow but the destruction data is the same in both (and the same as the vanilla eyebots). So it's all weird. :pinch:


EDIT: And yes, piñata eyebot please! Fun for the whole family! :laugh:

Edited by Jokerine
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It was really cool to set those to wander a large size based on the location the bot was at. In FNV it was fun to make ghouls that ran the whole time an ignored the player, so one would just come running by from nowhere to nowhere, can't catch em either. You know the idea that the player isn't the center of the universe. Being that they have a laser pistol/rifle, shouldn't eyebots be more dangerous?

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