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Confused installing OMOD-Ready (or it's supposed to be.)


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Would someone please help me, I can not install an OMOD-Ready with OBMM.

Here's the mod: Chocolate Elves (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18247/?)


No conversion in the zip file. It just contaiins:










I tried to create the conversion data manually but when i activated the mod, it say "mising line no........"


Would you please help me how to Install it manually or OBMM, or using other mods manager???


Thank you.

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Try their site for help, and don't forget to have OBMM installed.

From the sound of it you might have downloaded the 7zip file then tried opening it as a OMOD. Downloading the OMOD version should have opened OBMM once you clicked on the file, or once it finished down loading.

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There has been a lot of what I call "file extension hi-jacking" going on lately ... likely some new "feature" dreamed up by Microsoft. You can easily fix it yourself by simply renaming the file extension from .zip to .omod (right click and then select Rename from the right click menu). Just be sure to leave the first part of the file name the same.

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There are two files listed under Main files, the first is a 7zip and the second is an OMOD.

If you select the "Open with" option you should be able to open with the NMM, OBMM or a number of other options. If you save it and it will appear under your download files.

If you download the OMOD then it will open ether NMM or OBMM and you can use them to load the file. If its a save then you can transfer the file to your Oblivion folder or it should open OBMM if you double click or right click and select to open with OBMM. If you down loaded the 7zim you can also use OBMM to crate the file as normal assuming its all there. The first dozen times I tried down loading all five Blood&Mud files. I had incomplete files and they didn't unpack properly.

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Yes, if you downloaded using the second link down from the top (where it says Chocolate Elves v14 OMOD) but then when you look at the downloaded file it's named Chocolate Elves v14 OMOD-18247.zip you are are a victim of Microsoft's delusional plan (if in fact it is them doing this). Simply change Chocolate Elves v14 OMOD-18247.zip to Chocolate Elves v14 OMOD-18247.omod, double click on the renamed file and OBMM will open.

Edited by Striker879
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Also before I forget you'll need to download the Corean race mod by idkrrr. Xeno hasn't updated the links since they split Morrowind and Oblivion from the former tesnexus.com. You just need the mesh and texture files not the esp. The Chocolate Elves are based on them originally.

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This seems to be happening surprisingly often lately. People ask why their ZIP files can't be turned into OMODs, when the contents they list are exactly that already, what you get when you mistakenly "open" an OMOD with ZIP (you need to rename .omod to .zip, then you get what's posted above on extraction). It was always either some rabid browser doing fun things to unknown file extensions or, like Striker said, their OS.


So, next time you open a .zip file you downloaded and it shows you this very list of files and folders as posted in the OP, then, yepp, you're positively looking into an OMOD with messed up file extension instead.



And no, we usually don't close these topics. We just let them sink back down page by page while nobody posts in them anymore to bring them back up, and in the mean time multiple other members stumble into them, read what's written, and learn from it for the future. :thumbsup:


That is, unless you "request" one of us to lock it, of course.

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