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Disable or prolong Sentry Bot movment overheat


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I would like to see a mod that will disable the heat build up a Sentry Bot has just when moving.. with companions mods staring to show and even the stock hacking of one makes it half useless when you have to stop and wait every 100 ft. for it to cool down if you want to travel with it.. Or even trying to follow the prototype one from the scrapyard anywhere.. Best case would be to leave the combat heat build up alone just kill the movement heat but a disable all overheating will be a ok stop-gap mod till the GECK..

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Edit: I found a value in the sentry bot race menu "sentrybotmaxheatlevel" set a stock 35. Using the in game console I upped it to 70 with the Setav command and it did take much longer for it to overheat. but also seem to take longer to cool as well.. But I didn't have time to test it well before having to go to work.. (Damn real life getting in the way =P) What I can't find is what effects the heat generation.. I figured it would be a globle like the power armor core drain is but I didn't seem to see anything that looks right yet..

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