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Everything posted by cyden

  1. Yes it does. most noticeably habs like crew quarters, science labs and med bays.
  2. I know that's how the system used to work, but something in the most recent updates seem to have broken it. as in the vanilla items seem to be no longer respawning
  3. I haven't played in a while, But when I loaded in all the misc item clutter was gone from my ship and dumped into the ships inventory. Just as it is after editing a hab, I haven't done so in hours and the clutter was there last I played. I found out that an update broke the clutter in a shotgun approach to fix a over dupping bug. has anyone been able to reverse this? I miss the clutter as it was one of the few things in the game that made the ships feel lived in and gave a bit of much needed personality to the world
  4. I love using Rocky Ridge as a RP hang out and weapon \ mod testing area. But that one super loud overhead speaker screaming ad's form the bar is really annoying. I was hoping for a way to shut it off or mute it, Without killing all ad audio. I tired using AMM to delete things but can't find the source of the sound
  5. I hate "The beast in me" missions just simply do to the extreme rubber-banding.. Handling mods make the driving part kinda fun but it makes the banding problem much worse to the point the other cars pop-up under your own which at best knocks you off course an as worse sends you flying off the map... I figure since it's only a matter of time before someone manages to make more custom race missions this is an issue that needs to be fixed
  6. Since they where able to disable the teleport zones it sounds like something C.E.T. could do eventuality
  7. I want this too.. On a side note I think the separate slider for the radio is for streamers so they can keep normal game music on but some sudden copyrighted music on a random radio in the world doesn't hurt their streams
  8. This wouldn't be for me but even I would admit it could fit in lore too.. given how many of the world npc's speak different languages and translated in subtitles (by your Cyberware)
  9. Knowing the modding scene this is already being worked on and would take quite some time But I would like to request a follower system like found in GTA and RDR trainers that can make any NPC a follower / bodyguard.. Maybe with an option menu to set things weapons, health (or immortal state), follow distance and maybe the level of aggressiveness Possibly being able to spawn special NPC's like Dumdum, Jackie, Dex, T-bug and other (likely dead) characters
  10. Ok so I love using M class freight type ships in some of my plays but the common lack of a main weapon or having one so far off center to the cockpit making precise close range target tracking nearly impossible is an issue when coming across things like lock boxes or high value crystals.. I have tried to use the spacesuit's hand laser to deal with them but I think a IRL laser pointer from a dollar store deals more damage... So all I am asking for is a mod to boost the spacesuit's laser just enough to break locks and crystals.. This would also help players that favor larger ships and\or weapons that are too powerful or inaccurate at such close range to open boxes without blowing the thing up.
  11. I would settle for having more "parts" in the lists so we can have less "clone wars" NPCs... I saw 3 of the same ones all standing next to each other... same body, face, hair and VOICE..... >.>
  12. I guess I need to wait on the modders to help with this but would having just one main gun on a M class transport ship have really broken the game balance that bad Egosoft? My fav way to plan an X game is Scavenger/Trader type play and I would have loved to make a Argon M class transport as my main ship but not having a manual fired weapon for things like lock-boxes and stuff kinda kills it... Right now I have been stuck with my courier vanguard for this roll (as well as it's one of the few if not only ships that have even a hint on an interior pass the cockpit)
  13. I have a issue with F4SE too.. thought mine is it doesn't even load the game right, it just opens the default launcher.. but oddly if I use NMM to launch F4SE it works properly.. might not help you problem but it's worth a shot..
  14. I have been having a problem with holotapes and radio broadcasts added by mod not having any audio in game. I 1st noticed it with 3DNPCs and at the time thought it was a problem with that mod, However I have since ran into it in more mods now. As far as I can see all other mod added audio (SFX, Voices, ETC) works just fine. I do have not installed any mods that alter how sound is handled by the game and all base game and normal DLC content works normally as well.
  15. you need to play though her quest line until she unlocks her Armory then you can buy it
  16. you need to do the quest but it's been done http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15842/?
  17. As stated I have tried to start a new game and it runs find up until it's time to cut my hand loose then CTD.. old games run fine as well and I have started new games before with most of the mods I have now installed... But not since NMM had it major update that tried to uninstall and reinstall everything.. (it took awhile to fix my game after that).. I will include my load order to see if anyone else can see a glaring issue.. p.s. I have tried LOOT and re-ran FNIS already but still no luck Edit: I uploaded the wrong load order file.. Fixed now
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