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Looking for modders to collaborate on a small mod


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I'm looking for modders who are good with Creation Kit to work together on a small mod. This mod will consist of:


- 2 medium-sized Dwemer ruin-style interior cells.

- 1 medium-sized desert area.

- a method to use a custom skybox in certain outdoor areas.

- a method that makes you equip an item or you slowly lose health and die.

- a method that allows you to use a lever that activates the animations of certain vanilla Dwemer mechanism meshes.

- a one-way teleport portal.

- several dead NPCs.

- several books and notes that will tell the story of the mod.

- a few hostile creatures that do not respawn.

- a few safe containers.


Other than the desert area, where we might need custom mesh for the sand, We will be using all vanilla assets.


I am in the process of creating a few rough concept sketches. There is a small story in the mod, but I prefer to keep it a secret and only let the participants of the mod know about it.


I know that I ask for very specific things and there are a bit much, but I have a very specific plan for it thus I know exactly what is needed. My biggest problem is building the level. I'm not skilled enough with CK to undertake such task. Please reply if you are interested in this mod. Thank you!

Edited by yian
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I'd be interested in helping with this. I haven't actually completed any planned projects before but i have been learning different aspects of modding for quite a while. I'll list off what i know about the things you need.


- The ruins and outdoor area i can do as long as i have plans/knowledge of their design

- I don't know specifically how to change the skybox but it shouldn't be difficult

- For the weapon equip i bet scripting would allow this, i have just started learning papyrus in skyrim

- Dwemer lever scripting as well, probably simpler to accomplish than the weapon equip

- One way portal is just like all dungeon entrances, just don't connect the other side back

- I assume dead npc's would be as simple as placing any other object in level design, maybe needing a little more work if they're custom named and dressed

- The books and notes are probably simple once i look up how, probably just creating a new object in the ck and adding custom text

- The creatures won't be difficult, depending on the complexity of their idle and in combat behavior. (a cool boss that has separate combat stages would obviously need full script knowledge)

- Containers are simple to make


Anyway there's my detailed answer, in short i have knowledge of most aspects of modding but being honest this would be my first "real" project.


Oh and about the desert area i know how to replace textures on objects, and there are resources around online that already do the same thing that could be made use of.

Edited by ke38290
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I can script, but I never have any ideas of what to do.


- Weapon equip requirement script would be rather simple to do.

- Dwemer lever is very easy as well

- One way portal within same loaded area can be done easily, above mentioned works for separate load areas too

- Books ARE indeed as simple as creating a new book in the CK and typing in it/naming it and placing it somewhere.


Would be fun to work with people on something again.

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