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Is there a mod to control when Dragons start spawning?


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Putting this in requests because I'm not sure if there is a mod that does this already. But the title pretty much says it: I'm looking for a mod that controls when Dragons start to spawn in the game. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) they don't start spawning until either after you kill that first Dragon at the Western Watchtower or until you visit the Greybeards? In any case, I know it's after some point in the main quest is when they normally start to spawn.


Also, I realize that there is this mod that allows Dragons to start spawning at Level 1. However, I'm not looking for that. I play with Requiem, Deadly Dragons, and DCO so fighting a Dragon at Level 1 (after testing that mod out, they really do start spawning immediately) is literally impossible.


I know everyone probably doesn't have the same kind of setup I do, but I think it'd be nice to be able to control when they're spawning from a role-playing perspective. I guess what I'm looking for is a mod like this one (except for Skyrim obviously). It lets you control the minimum level and the minimum amount of days that would have to have passed before Dragons start spawning. This way, it seems like the world doesn't revolve around you, and allows you to still fight Dragons without starting the main quest as well as giving you the option to complete the main quest if you want to.


Kind of long-winded, sorry. But does anyone have any idea if a mod like that exists?

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Timing is Everything allows you to adjust time when various quests start. Sadly it doesn't cover WHEN dragons start spawning, but it does allow time between attacks, minimum and maximum.


I'm not sure about a non-quest based starter however.


Dragons start showing up after the Dragon Rising main quest, The one at the watchtower outside Whiterun. (just to clarify spawning trigger)

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I had forget about Skyrim Unbound. I remember looking at it once, but I had already started my game at that point. Might be an option in the future.


And also, as stupid as it may seem, I'd really prefer not to enable Immediate Dragons mid-playthrough... but I suppose that's also an option right now.


How difficult do you think it would be to make a mod to enable what I'm asking for? I suppose I could try and take a crack at it.

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