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Mod for removing ever monster/enemy from the game?


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This might sound insane to you guys, but when I play RPG games I usually play them as some sort of thief character, and I mostly rely on theivery, dialogue and merchentile stuff. I totally hate combat and it stresses me out :D So basically I play RPGs as some kind of simulation games. Thus, when I'm playing Oblivion I mostly download house and companion mods. However, whenever I install the game I have to go through the painful process of installing MMM and Frans too, because the vanilla leveling is total crap.

My question for you guys is if there's a mod that stops respawning of random enemies and monsters, or if not is there a mod which makes every enemy NPC in the game totally passive and never attack my character? This way I could play a beautiful game of doing menial tasks, walking around my homes with my companions, and never fear of some annoying monster attacking me from behind (even though I use the tgm cheat, they still stress me out). Because of these enemies I have to use the "set essential actors" mod on every NPC in the game so they wouldn't die in a random fight :D

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Well me neither like to be forced to kill every creature/bandit attacking me, most of the time cast an invisibility spell and go on, i rather prefer to travel horseback in peace enjoying the landscape, so i'm have a childish soul too. Enjoy! :smile:

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I use SPAWN with INI values tweaked to my liking for how often the different parts of the game respawn. I have personally opted for a nine year old level of respawning on roadways. :blush:

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striker can you tell what SPAWN mod do?

I read the description, even I have tested it yet... still don't understand

I don't feel any significant chance from that mod :(

open it with TES4CSE too, but the mechanism is too complicated so dunno what this mod about. I deactived it

comparing with MOO or MMM and the other spawn related mod like FCOM, chance is noticeable

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SPAWN changes how often different types of cells reset. You could have Ayleid dungeons reset every day but dungeons with roots only respawn once a week and forts only once a month. You can also have it a bit more random by setting an different time for min and max values (all settings are in game hours, so one week = 168). The default game cell reset is 72 hours (three days). If you look at SPAWN's default INI values you'll see it doesn't change them very far from vanilla game default. I don't know what the limits that can be set for duration are. I use 360 min to 720 max for Ayleid ruins for example (15 to 30 days). My roadways (exterior cells) are 72 min to 480 max so when I'm coming up to that spot that I know is a bandit ambush I'm never sure whether there will be one there or not.


I'm not entirely certain how it would work along side MOO ... Maskar would be the best source for that answer.

Edited by Striker879
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It can if you set a wide range between min and max. If you set the same for min and max (let's say 12 hours) it would make the world far more predictable. It's just a tool for making the game be like you'd like.

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