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.DDS Animation - TV mod?


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The limit is the texture size and the number of frame you put on. If you need longer animation, you swap another screen with another .dds

Correct! However it appears some .nifs need some other edit so the entirety of said .dds is actually played through.


For example, when I replaced the pre-war TV's with my animation it played the whole thing.

But when I replaced the workshop TV with the pre-war TV it never plays the whole animation.

Still stuck on this.

Edited by TroJanViru5
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That's the tricky part pixelhate, because the keyframes are in the .nif file. I have effectively replaced the original workshop item with the one that actually plays full animation.


New TV = New keyframes


I went into the new TV .nif and removed both the static fuzz and screen warp effects. However it is clear at this point that the TV keyframes are controlled externally somehow.

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I've been studying texture animation for about three years now, I'm about to release a big resource pack for FO3. (I don't own FO4)


FO3 & FO4 engine are probably so different that what I know about texture animation won't probably help you.


I can give some general direction, perhaps, and a link to a tutorial for texture animation for Skyrim which probably have similar nif structure.



How did you determine the anim is played at 25fps?


Out of curiosity, could you post a screen shot of the nif structure of one of the TV. Are there Controllers?

I looked at the picture on previous page, it's obvious that not every nodes and arrays are visible, yet


Keys are located in something like Lighting or Shader or Texture PropertyController, find the interpolator, and you'll find the keys.


Also, good to know, animated texture don't need Normal map, but they always will appear slightly glowing.

Edited by Guest
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The tv .nif file has a triangle vertex node which makes up the surface for the .dds to display on. The "magical moving .dds" so to speak, doesn't seem to have anything to do with the .nif file whatsoever, or ratherz I cannot find a reference.


The playback started and stop time is from 0.0000 to 1.0000 with a frequency of 1 for the main controller. There is some diversity down more nodes that upon changing don't seem to have any effect.


I deleted two other animations that were unused as a test and my .dds file still plays through (despite still only being less than a second in duration).


I could not find any reference to why the .dds only plays the first 3-4 frames and not the rest.


Still struggling.

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