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Looking For Mods: Do They Already Exist?


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There are a couple of mods that I'd like to see, or at least use. As far as I know, these mods don't exist; however these mod ideas aren't that niche or strange that you'd expect them to have not been done before.

For instance, I'd like to find a mod that includes either some sort of Library location that will "stock" books you deposit in it automatically or a way to alphabetically store books on a shelf automatically. For instance, a way you could deposit books you find in a chest, which "creates" a static book on a shelf that will automatically be positioned to similar books, or other books from a series, etc. It'd especially be nice if these books couldn't really be moved/knocked over, and instead just "filled out" the empty shelves. Ideally, it would be nice to incorporate this using the Hearthfire Library wing shelves, as well, though that's not necessarily *needed*.

Speaking of making objects static, I'd like to get a mod that changes some objects static (ie. so they can't be knocked over). Specifically, I'd like to get it so that the optional "treasures" you get from the Thieves' Guild quests won't be knocked over annoyingly by NPCs. By this, I mean items like the Honningbrew Decanter and the Bust of the Gray Fox, among others.


There's more, but I can't think of them right now. Care to send me in the right direction?

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