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Other 111 Survivors


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Survivors of Vault 111 are included as a subplot/quest in Unique Npcs, Creatures and Monsters, by way of (I am guessing) Rad Spiders mods.




You'll be disappointed if you hope they are alive...

And especially if you don't like spiders. :sick:




Otherwise, AFT allows reviving spouse with Curie and console command.

Also allows making ANY NPC a follower, (with generic dialogue/sound bytes) so give one or more a Vault Suit and can Head Canon them in...

Unfortunately, Amanda Follower looks bugged and abandoned. :sad:

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I would like an expansion on vault 111's residents too.

You were the lone survivor, that doesn't change if you save the others later on.

They died but are cryogenically frozen, so at anytime they could be unfrozen and it would be like they stopped breathing moments ago.

Fallout has multiple methods for reviving them and people have survived worse.

FEV, Ghoulification, Mysterious Serum, Gen 3 replacement body with original brain parts, Robobrain, Nick Valentine style brain scan to Gen 2, Gen 3, Automatron. A tranquility lane type environment for therapy for any brain damage while in medical coma for healing.


(I also saw mention of the USS Constitution, it's a shame there's no second hop into the sea, or heck into orbit, they don't breathe.

There are lots of opportunities and under explored threads of lore.)

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