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Scrap Everything


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That spring cleaning one looks like the answer.. im checking it out today.


Yep already have enough power armours lying around.. don't need more lol.

I wish we could do something with them like order settlers to use them but no.. its too glitchy to even do that. I tried forcing a settler to wear one through the console but they only keep it on for a short time and then they just lose the armour somewhere.. just poofs. Same if you let a companion go home wearing one, they will eventually just lose the PA :(


Stupid glitchy game.



Scrap Scrap is buggy.. gunna wait til they fix that cell thing mentioned in the description.. But I have found that you can disable/move a lot of stuff using the console.. I managed to remove the water from those reservoirs in Warwick homestead and the forklift from Murkwater.

But I didn't keep the changes, just in case it glitched my save somehow.

yes it is was wondering why I had a t-45 power armor a set of raider armor and a blank frame...now I have 3 full t-45 sets lmao...anywhy *kicks scrap scrap in the balls" and goes to search for new power armor.


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I want to get rid of the dead bushes in front of my house and other weeds. In the meantime, the ScrapScrap mod is nice for cleaning up Sanctuary, but has a bug that resets power armor.

why?.. just why would you need a work bench when all you need are a few tools and you should be able to take everything apart to there raw components. (same thing i feel about weapon mods.. i should be able to change them w/o a workbench)


i learned last night how to turn a pop bottle into cordage.. xD

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