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Animal Friend and other rekt perks


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I know I can't be the only one who is tired of walking through the forest and getting attacked by dogs or molerats or what have you. I got s*** to do. This was the greatest strength of the Animal Friend perks in FO3 and NV, they just wouldn't attack, I could go do the s*** I was going to do. Now you have to point your gun at it for a chance to calm one of the group, as it's attacking you. It's completely pointless now. If anyone could make a mod to fix this and any other perks that are just not as useful as they were in previous games it would be greatly appreciated. I've never made a mod before so I wouldn't even know where to start on this, my first mod will be a radio station once the GECK is released, so for now I'm just getting ready for THAT.

Edited by Rangerwithabigiron
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