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Fallout 4 crash to desktop when changing .ini file to enable mods


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Well you all are doing better than me,


I just decided four days ago to start running mods, I like to play most of the game with out to start.


Before I installed NMM or any mods I un packed my BA2 folders (I mod as well when the GECK comes out) and added the following lines


under [Launcher] in the Fallout4Prefs.ini file bEnableFileSelection=1 help


In the Fallout4custom.ini I added


bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=
And my game CTD's before the first load screen, I get the FO4 start screen, hit play get the black screen with mouse indicator the little icon in the lower right corner never shows up and then CTD. After about a hour of testing and replacing my .ini files (I have backup's) and trying one line at a time found that either one of the lines bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 or sResourceDataDirsFinal= under [Archive] weather in the Fallout4.ini or the Fallout4Custom.ini file used separately or together will cause the CTD.
My fix for now was to use the old Fallout4.ini edit that adds , TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ to the line under [archive] sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\
The whole thing should look like this
This makes load times slow and I do mean slow, pain in the butt, but I can use mods with no CTD
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This seemed to be the only thing that worked for me, Gore Overhaul was causing the crashes here!

Thanks so much for the tip!!



Always keep your mods up to date, especially after a game update. The 1.3.47 update seems to have deprecated support for certain texture formats, and this caused some mods to cause CTDs. Gore overhaul has since been updated to fix the issue.

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  • 1 month later...

I am having this EXACT same problem, actually and came to the same conclusion after a weekend of testing. It will crash when I get near bunker hill if I have this in my ini file:


I think I fixed it! I was having the same problem, see post above.


I noticed that the guide that NMM links to says to edit your Fallout4Custom.ini file, but I actually had none after deleting the .inis earlier. It seems that now you need to have Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini. Here is what I did tonight and now I can play with mods and no CTDs in the areas I was seeing it before.

Note: I uninstall/reinstalled the game and all mods before this, but I don't think that was the fix as it was still crashing until I...


1.) Delete your Fallout4.ini file so that the game gives you a brand new one. Don't edit this file.

2.) Paste the below into your Fallout4Custom.ini file instead:




3.) Now paste the below Under [Launcher] in your Fallout4Prefs.ini file:


4.) Boot up the game, load a save in or near a problem area, or load and zone to one. You should notice that it loads instead of crashing!

If you don't have a Fallout4Custom.ini file, which was my problem, here is the entire contents of mine and that should be all that you need.


iLocation X=0
iLocation Y=0

Thanks man, worked for me after updating to 1.5

Edited by homem75
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I tried everything in this post and nothing worked.

I used NMM to check for updates but everything was up to date.

Except when I manually checked the DEF_UI mod page where a newer version was available.

After installing DEF_UI 1.2.0 my game was working again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

so did anyone find a solution? it's now 1.5 and I find myself suffering from these symptoms. I have a feeling it's something to do with the load order...

hey for me it worked when i removed , INTERFACE\

hope this helps :smile:

Edited by johan5414
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so did anyone find a solution? it's now 1.5 and I find myself suffering from these symptoms. I have a feeling it's something to do with the load order...

hey for me it worked when i removed , INTERFACE\

hope this helps :smile:


It worked for me too! Cheers :)

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  • 1 year later...

I didn't have an interface folder. Uninstalled and restored from backup. That mightbe where I went wrong. Tried everything in every discussion I could find. Continued to crash after changing ini. Finally deleted everything in the data folder and let steam download the files. A six hour ordeal. After that, no more problems. Even though the backup should have been a clean install, there was something in it the game didn't like.

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